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Assessment Task Topic: Digital Taylorism Assessment Type: Individual Digital Poster (1000 words) Weighting = 40% Question: In recent years, there has been an increase in the quantity and type of digital equipment used to oversee workers and the tasks they complete.

Assessment Task
Topic: Digital Taylorism
Assessment Type: Individual Digital Poster (1000 words) Weighting = 40%
In recent years, there has been an increase in the quantity and type of digital equipment used to oversee workers and the tasks they complete. This has been referred to as Digital Taylorism. The introduction of digital management is not a simple return to the Taylorism of the past, though with increasingly novel and intrusive ways of monitoring and managing staff changing the nature of work.
Create an individual research poster introducing the concept of Digital Taylorism and its practices and critiquing its impact on workers and its role now and in the future workplace. You should work closely with the module content drawing on academic research, theory, real-world examples and up-to-date data sources to evidence your work.

Level of AI-Use permitted for this Assessment

1 Level 2 – Some use Permitted. Some use of AI tools is permitted in the research/early stages of this assignment but you must ensure that the work you submit is your own. If you use AI tools, you should acknowledge or reference this in your work. Use the Text reference builder to learn how to reference AI generated ideas. The sorts of questions to consider when using AI are:
• Is it accurate?
• Are the references genuine?
• Has it reproduced bias?
Duration: N/A Word Count: 1000 words
Task specific guidance:

• You can use any software you would like to use to create the digital poster. You may find using Microsoft PowerPoint suitable.
• Your poster should not exceed 1000 words.
• Your poster should be visually appealing. Font, Text Size, Use of Visuals are all important.
• Your poster should have in-text citations. A copy of the reference list can be provided on a separate document and does not count towards the final word count of your work.
• Support will be provided during scheduled seminars with your module tutors.
• Please do make use of the office hours of the teaching team to gain formative feedback on your work.
• You should engage with the content provided during the lectures and workshops. It is also important to make sure you are engaging with the content provided on Brightspace.
• Criticality is important here; think about how you can use the information on your poster to present a balanced argument.
• There is an understanding from the module team that you will read widely and understand the topic of Digital Taylorism in depth. This will allow you to only present the most important information on the poster itself.

General study guidance:

• Cite all information used in your work which is clearly from a source. Try to ensure that all sources in your reference list are seen as citations in your work, and all names cited in the work appear in your reference list.

• Reference and cite your work in accordance with the APA 7th system – the University’s chosen referencing style. For specific advice, you can talk to your Business librarians or go to the library help desk, or you can access library guidance via the following link:
o APA 7th referencing: https://library.hud.ac.uk/pages/apareferencing/

• The University has regulations relating to academic misconduct, including plagiarism. The Academic Skills Team can advise and help you with how to avoid ‘poor scholarship’ and potential academic misconduct.

• If you have any concerns about your writing, referencing, research or presentation skills, you are welcome to consult the Academic Skills Team, you can book tutorial appointments with them via the website How to book a tutorial appointment

• Further study resources including the Academic Skills Team overview can be found here: Study resources

• Your word count is +/- 10%

Assessment criteria

• The Assessment Criteria are shown the end of this document. Your tutor will discuss how your work will be assessed/marked and will explain how the assessment criteria apply to this piece of work. These criteria have been designed for your level of study.

• These criteria will be used to mark your work and will be used to support the electronic feedback you receive on your marked assignment. Before submission, check that you have tried to meet the requirements of the higher-grade bands to the best of your ability. Please note that the marking process involves academic judgement and interpretation within the marking criteria.

Learning Outcomes

This section is for information only.

The assessment task outlined above has been designed to address specific validated learning outcomes for this module. It is useful to keep in mind that these are the things you need to show in this piece of work.

On completion of this module, students will need to demonstrate:

LO1.Show coherent and detailed knowledge of the key concepts from the outline syllabus
LO3.Critically assess key factors influencing the changing nature of work.
LO5. Apply methods and techniques to review, consolidate, extend, and apply your knowledge to a topic
LO6: Effectively and appropriately communicate information, ideas and arguments related to the subject.

Please note these learning outcomes are not additional questions.

Submission information
Word/Time Limit: 1000 words
Submission Date: 16/12/2024
Feedback Date: 13/01/2025
Submission Time: 15:00 UK Time (23:00 HK time)
Submission Method: Electronically via module site in Brightspace. Paper/hard copy submissions are not required. For technical support, please contact lta@hud.ac.uk

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