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Briefly explain the two specific considerations you should keep in mind when varying your instruction to each participant. Question 41 – Consumer Guarantees List the eight guarantees for ensuring an acceptable quality of a product List the three points that services must provide to ensure they follow requirements to meet their consumer guarantee

Assignment Task

Purpose of this Assessment

The purpose of this assessment task is to demonstrate your skills and knowledge:

To prepare for and deliver land-based group exercise sessions according to predesigned session plans which may have been developed by self or others
To participate in workplace health and safety
To identify customer needs, deliver and monitor customer service and identify improvements in the provision of customer service

Student Instructions

This assessment task contains Short Answer Questions where you need to provide a response in your own words to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the unit. Carefully read through each question and reflect on your learning in this unit, including any additional research you have conducted.

Question 1 – WHS Authority

a. Describe how state/territory legislation impacts workplace regulations and codes of practice?

The state and territory legislations impact workplace regulations through highlighting the duties that specific people must uphold due to being responsible for controlling the risks associated with specific hazards and are legally enforceable. The legislation is written and enforced to prioritize meeting the legislative requirements. They also impact codes of practice through providing guides on achieving work health and safety, which is required under the WHS act and regulations.

b. Identify the WHS Authority relevant to your State or Territory.

c. Explain how your WHS Authority implements each of the following in the context of the fitness industry

Question 2 – Duty of Care

Describe the duty of care of an employer and a fitness instructor in a fitness workplace.

a. Duty of care of

Employer The duty of care of an employer involves not only themselves but any individual that comes into their business. This includes creating a safe environment that is well maintained and up to standard in relation to workspace, handling and storage of machinery, structures and substances. Also making sure workers are provided information regarding training, instruction, and supervision for safety. Prioritizing the health of workers as well and having workers’ compensation policy and a return-to-work plan.

b. Duty of care of

Fitness Instructor Fitness instructors not only have a duty of car but also legal responsibility that need to be satisfied these involve things like taking reasonable care of the health and safety of themselves and other that maybe be affected by things that you may or may not do. Follow health and safety instruction provided by employer and asking for help when unsure how to perform work properly. Also reporting any hazards, injuries or unsafe situations to the employer.

Question 3 –Workplace Rights and Responsibilities

a. Employer

Workplace Rights Workplace Responsibilities

Being appointed a health and safety officer.
Access to information relating to potential hazards and the safety of employees.

Workplace Responsibilities

Give workers information, training, instruction or supervision needed for safety.
Providing a safe work environment

b. Fitness Instructor

Instructions, training and supervision.
Safe machinery and structures.
Follow reasonable health and safety instructions from employer.
Use personal protective equipment (PPE) accordingly.

Question 4 – Infection Control

a. Identify two infection control procedures that apply in your workplace

Infection control is a priority for workplace health and safety. Two infection control procedures that apply include the use of cleaning and disinfection agents. Another procedure would be hand hygiene.

b. Briefly explain how each of your identified infection control procedures is practised in your workplace

Cleaning and disinfection agents. This can be embraced in a work environment through providing cleaning agents around the gym for both members and trainers to utilize but also developing a cleaning schedule for frequently used equipment and surfaces. Hand hygiene which is also a WHS procedure. This involves having handwash posters up on display, these should outline the importance of using warm water and soap. If hand washing facilities are not available the use of alcohol-based cleansers, which should be available around different points of the gym.

Question 5 – Hazardous Manual Tasks

a. Identify two hazardous manual tasks you perform in the workplace

Two hazardous manual tasks are moving gym equipment from one place to another in the gym. Another would be picking up gym equipment such as dumbbells, plates, and other free weights off the gym floor.

b. Based on your State or Territory’s codes of practice, describe what you can do to minimise or eliminate risks when doing each of the hazardous manual tasks you identified in part A To minimize and reduce the risk of the tasks identified in part A would be using equipment such as lifting straps or furniture trolleys to move equipment around the gym, and also kneeling or squatting when lifting gym equipment instead of bending at the waist.

Question 6 – Safety Signs for Classifying Dangerous Goods

The following are safety signs for classifying dangerous goods that might be seen in your workplace.

In the table below:

Name each safety sign for classifying dangerous goods
In your own words, briefly describe what each sign means

Question 7 – Emergency Equipment Signs

The following are emergency equipment signs that might be seen in your workplace.

In the table below:

Name each emergency equipment sign
In your own words, briefly describe what each sign means

Question 8 Personal Protective Equipment signs

The following are personal protective equipment (PPE) signs that might be seen in your workplace.

In the table below:

Name each PPE sign
In your own words, briefly describe what each sign means

Question 9 – Safety Signs for Classifying Hazards

The following are safety signs for classifying hazards that might be seen in your workplace.

In the table below:

Name each safety sign for classifying hazards
In your own words, briefly describe what each sign means

Question 10 – Hazards

Briefly describe what a workplace hazard is.

Question 11 – Hazard Reporting

Consider you are working at Bounce Fitness. You are undertaking training to conduct hazard identification procedures. When completing this question, you will use the simulated business: Bounce Fitness. To complete this task, you will need to refer to the following documents that are located in your ‘Knowledge Questions

Workplace Health and Safety Policy and Procedures
Hazard Reporting Procedure

a. In your own words, summarise the steps you must take to identify and report a hazard in your workplace

b. As a fitness instructor at Bounce Fitness, list three examples of common hazards you might find in your workplace

Question 12 – Emergency Procedures

Complete this question as though you are an employee of Bounce Fitness. To complete this task, you will need to refer to the following document:

Emergency Evacuation Plan and Implementation Procedures (located in your ‘Knowledge Questions)

In your own words, explain the procedure you would follow for each scenario below based on the Bounce Fitness Emergency Evacuation Plan.

A member of staff has left their meal on the kitchen stove. You smell a burning smell and go into the kitchen to check. You see a small fire starting
One of the admin assistants receives a phone call from an unknown source informing them that an explosive device has been placed inside one of the lockers in the centre
You are instructing a group session when you encounter a gas-like smell. You realise there may be a gas leak within the building which may require an emergency evacuation of the building

Question 13 – WHS Policy and Procedures

Risk Management Policies and Procedures
Incident Reporting Policies and Procedures

In your own words, briefly summarise how Bounce Fitness will implement each of these procedures in the workplace.

a. Risk Management

b. Incident Reporting

Question 14 – Reasons for Participation

Complete the table below to identify the following:

5 common reasons for people participating in a group exercise session
5 common goals that group exercise participants have.

Question 15 – Factors that influence session design

a. List 4 factors that affect the selection of equipment to suit participants in a group class

b. Describe how the availability of exercise equipment impacts group exercise session design

c. Describe how the venue type and layout influences group exercise session design

d. Describe how session duration preferences of different groups should influence group exercise session design.

Question 16 – Common Participant Injuries

Two of the most common injuries that participants suffer from
At least one precaution in exercising with each injury
At least one way a session can be modified for each identified injury

Question 17 – Common Participant Medical Conditions

Two of the most common medical conditions that participants suffer from
At least one precaution in exercising with each medical condition Need a refresher? Please see section 1.3, learner guide – Part D
At least one way a session can be modified for each identified medical condition

Question 18 – Common Participant Health Risks

Two of the most common health risks that participants suffer from
At least one precaution in exercising with each health risk
At least one way that a session can be modified for each identified health risk

Question 19 – Common Participant Groups

a. Complete the table below regarding common participant groups likely to attend group exercise sessions at Bounce Fitness by identifying the following:

The two most common participant groups attending group exercise sessions at Bounce Fitness
The general physical characteristics of each group
The general abilities of each group
The special needs each group requires

Special needs refer to physical characteristics that should be addressed in order to avoid incidents or injuries for this participant group

At least one session inclusion which should be incorporated into group exercise sessions to address the special needs identified

b. Provide ten (10) service standards or protocols that you may follow in order to serve customers, including customers with specific needs

c. Explain how you would provide customer service to a customer who has come to sign up to the fitness centre that has small children that require minding but would like to join some of the morning classes.

Write a script of how you will greet the customer, respond to this request and provide a time frame in which you will be able to address this.

Question 20 – Music as Motivation

a. The music you choose to play during your group exercise sessions at Bounce Fitness should be suitable for the type of session and the participant groups present

In your own words, briefly describe how different music types affect participant motivation in your group exercise sessions.

Give at least one example of a music type and which type of session it might be suitable for

b. Explain how the type and styles of music is used for exercise session instruction and participant motivation

c. Explain how to operate the music equipment within the area you will be conducting group exercise instructions

d. Identify what a group exercise instructor can do if the music is overpowering their voice during the exercise session.

Question 21 – Fitness Industry Target Markets

· Identifying two types of group exercise sessions commonly offered by each fitness industry sector
· Identifying at least one target market for each fitness industry sector
· Briefly explain how group exercises are offered by each fitness industry sector in relation to their target market participants:

– Exercise Goals for Participants of those Sessions Preferences

– Expectations for Group Exercise of Users of each Facility Type

– Preferences for Group Exercise for Each Facility Type

Question 22 – Clothing and Footwear

a. Explain why clothing is important for your client’s safety and comfort during exercise activities. You must provide two examples of the type of exercise and clothing type for consideration of comfort and safety

b. Explain why footwear is important for your client’s safety and comfort during exercise activities

c. How will exercise clothing vary for cultural backgrounds? You will need to provide some examples of different clothing for cultural backgrounds

Question 23 – Situations to Stop Exercising

There are certain situations where your clients may need to stop exercising.

a. Identify and explain when your clients may need to stop exercising immediately

b. Identify other indications that you should be observant for that will alert you that clients may need to stop exercising immediately

Question 24 – Phases of an exercise session

Question 25 – Environmental Factors

Question 26

Describe three types of observations that you can make to help assess if a participant is suited to a style of group exercise class.

Question 27

List three verbal questions you can ask to help assess if a participant is suited to a style of group exercise class.

Question 28

List 5 different ways that you can establish rapport with a group

Question 29

How can you use constructive feedback and positive reinforcement during your class, and how might you need to vary this depending on the individual needs of the client?

Question 30

Complete the table on cardiovascular exercises below.

Identify two benefits of each listed exercise sub-type
Identify two specific exercises for each listed sub-type and the equipment required
Briefly explain how to safely complete each specific exercise identified
Briefly explain how each specific exercise identified impacts your body

Question 31

Complete the table on resistance exercises below.

Identify two benefits of each listed exercise sub-type
Identify two specific exercises for each listed sub-type and the equipment required (if applicable)
Briefly explain how to safely complete each specific exercise identified
Briefly explain how each specific exercise identified impacts your body

Question 32

Complete the table on flexibility exercises below.

Identify two benefits of each listed exercise sub-type
Identify two specific exercises for each listed sub-type
Briefly explain how to safely complete each specific exercise identified
Briefly explain how each specific exercise identified impacts your body

Question 33

Complete the table on equipment used for each type of exercise listed below.

Identify two equipment for each exercise type listed below
Identify one way to check if each identified equipment is safe and serviceable to use

Question 34

a. Common Sicknesses

Identify at least three common sicknesses which will keep a participant from joining in an exercise session.

b. Common Chronic Medical Conditions

Identify one way you can accommodate participants with each listed chronic medical condition during an exercise session.

c. Contraindications

Identify two contraindications to exercise.

d. Dangers of exercising while sick

Identify four things that happen as a consequence of exercising while sick, which can put you and others at risk.

e. There are some instances when the participant has to stop exercising. Explain this in more detail including signs/ symptoms the body displays to indicate exercise intolerance.

f) List and explain the signs of over-exertion

Question 35

a) Briefly describe the general physical body composition of males

b) Briefly describe the general physical body composition of females

c) Briefly describe the physical condition of participants aged 55 or older

d) Briefly describe what modifications you could make to a group exercise session primarily of younger male and female participants, to suit a participant who is over 55

Question 36

Complete the table below by:

Briefly describing the average physical condition of each listed female participant
Identifying one way you can make exercise suitable for each listed female participant

Question 37

a) Briefly explain how to effectively set up the group’s positioning during the session and describe where the instructor should be positioned.

b) Briefly explain when it is most suitable to use each of these instructional techniques during a group session

c) Briefly explain the use of verbal cues in instructing group exercise sessions

d) Briefly explain the use of combining demonstration and explanation

e) Briefly explain the use of mirror imaging

Question 38

a) Briefly explain how you can project your voice effectively without a sound system

b) Briefly explain how you can project your voice effectively with a sound system

c) Complete the table by briefly explaining how voice projection will vary depending on each listed factor

Question 39

a) Briefly explain how you can use the Talk Test to monitor participant comfort and safety during a group session

b) Briefly explain how you can adjust a participant’s exercises based on their response to the Talk Test

c) Briefly explain what each number in the Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) scale can reveal about the participant’s level of comfort during an exercise session

Question 40

Briefly explain the two specific considerations you should keep in mind when varying your instruction to each participant.

Question 41 – Consumer Guarantees

List the eight guarantees for ensuring an acceptable quality of a product

List the three points that services must provide to ensure they follow requirements to meet their consumer guarantee

List the three rights that consumers have if an organisation fails to deliver on their consumer guarantee

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