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CIH level 5: Understand theories to enable strategy development in a housing organisation: Strategic And Business Planning For Housing Organisations, Assignment, UK

Task 2

Briefing Paper on Strategic Planning Theory

The board/cabinet is due to begin a review of the strategic plan and organisational vision, and have asked for a briefing paper which includes the following:

  1. An Identification and evaluation of two theories of strategic development
  2. The application of a theory of strategic thinking to develop a vision for a housing service (this should be the service for which you will produce a business plan in Task 3)

2. Understand theories to enable strategy development in a housing organisation.

2.1 Evaluate theories of strategy development.

2.2 Apply a theory of strategic thinking to develop a vision for a housing service.

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  • A briefing paper is a document that is used to inform decision makers (a board, a politician, etc.) on current issues.  It is a clear and concise document that summarises information on a particular topic.  Briefing papers can also offer recommendations on how to address the issues.
  • For Task a), you should identify two separate theories which have been put forward by relevant academic writers on these topics.

Please remember that tools and techniques such as SWOT and PESTLE, are not theories and therefore should not be applied in this Task.

  • You should evaluate these theories, for example by assessing their relative strengths and limitations.
  • For Task b), you should explain how strategic thinking – as opposed to strategic planning – can be used to develop a vision for a housing service. For this task, you should:
    • Identify a particular theory or a model of strategic thinking;

Apply this theory or model in order to produce a vision for your service. You will therefore need to explain the relationship between strategic thinking and visioning. There is information on these within the Moodle learning materials for this unit.

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