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Determine the audience, purpose and requirements of each documents. Determine also the organisation policies and procedures the documents must be created in. In a few sentences explain what this is to be for each of the 3 documents. T631.2 Determine an appropriate format, style, and structure for your 3 documents In a few sentences explain wha

Assignment Task

Tasks included in this Assessment Portfolio include:

Task 631 – Plan complex document
Task 632 – Drafting Complex Document
Task 633 – Reviewing a Document
Task 634 – Written Questions

Task 631 – Plan complex document

Identify 3 (three) separate areas where documents need to be written within your organisation. Before writing them, plan carefully to ensure that all necessary information is properly included. Use these points to assist in your planning:

T631.1 Determine the audience, purpose and requirements of each documents. Determine also the organisation policies and procedures the documents must be created in. In a few sentences explain what this is to be for each of the 3 documents.
T631.2 Determine an appropriate format, style, and structure for your 3 documents In a few sentences explain what this is to be for each of the 3 documents.
T631.3 Establish the method of communication. These can include general emails, procedures, business letters, meeting agendas, spreadsheets, and databases. In a few sentences explain what this is to be for each of the 3 documents.
T631.4 Develop a content overview for the document. In a few sentences explain what this is to be for each of the 3 documents.
T631.5 For each of your documents please list and briefly explain, the categories of information and logical sequences of that information to make the documents effective the information source. Consider using the table below for your response

Task 632 – Drafting Complex Document

With all your planning above, complete and submit a draft of the 3 documents you are creating according to organizational policy and procedure, and appropriate legislation. To effectively draft the documents, you will need to fulfil the following steps:

T632.1 Review and organise the appropriate data, information and knowledge. Place this information into the documents according to your planed structure and content. Make sure the data is cohesive and satisfies the document’s purpose and requirements
T632.2 Draft the documents text according to the documents purpose and requirements.
T632.3 Use business technology to apply formatting and incorporate graphics.
T632.4 Apply organization style guide/house style to the documents.
T632.5 Double check each of your documents to identify gaps in required data and information and collect any extra required material from relevant people and sources. Explain how you would go about doing this.

Task 632 – Reviewing a Document

First drafts always need to be reviewed to ensure that the documents are free of errors. Review your drafts of the 3 documents to ensure that objectives are achieved, and requirements are met. Do this through checking the following:

T633.1 Check spelling and grammar, accuracy and punctuation. Then explain how you did this.
T633.2 Have relevant organisation personnel approve the draft. Then explain how you did this.
T633.3 Ensure basic design elements for document appropriate to audience and purpose. Then explain how you did this.
T633.4 Make appropriate amendments to the documents to complete the final draft.

Complete and submit both your final copies and drafts of all 3 documents

Task 634 – Written Questions

Research and explain the following:

T634.1. What is an organisations style guide/house style and what is it mean to do?
T634.2 How formatting impacts on readability, cohesion and appearance of document
T634.3 4 (four) Rules and conventions for written English
T634.4 4 (four) key features of word processing software
T634.5 The process for checking suitability of document for audience, purpose, format, and structure.

Assessment Requirements

Complete ALL assessment tasks, projects and questions to a Satisfactory standard, ensuring that you provide enough evidence for your Assessor to prove that you are competent in the unit.

Complete this Assessment which involves research and other activities that will make sure you have the skills and knowledge required to demonstrate that you are competent in this unit.

Each assessment task is designed to assess your understanding of the unit, the skills required to apply the unit to a workplace as well as the stipulated requirements of the unit.

The activities will help you understand the ‘whys’ and the ‘how’s’- the theories and techniques- and to enrich your skills so that they are transferable to other situations.

If you do NOT complete some sections of a task, provide enough details etc, your evidence will be deemed Not Satisfactory – More Evidence Required

Your Assessor will then ask you to provide ‘More Evidence’, so that you can resubmit your assessment or ask you some further questions. You are allowed to resubmit your assessment evidence up to 3 times before you are deemed Not Yet Competent for the unit – Please refer to Global Training Institute Handbook, found on your Online Student Area, for more details.

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