Assignment Task
Task: There are 2 options
1. Discuss one talking-based psychosocial intervention of your choice that you have utilised in practice with a client,
2. Discuss one talking-based psychosocial
This discussion essay requires you to examine and critique how you utilized or intended to use the chosen therapeutic intervention. Use a pseudonym for your identified consumer if you have one, or use the provided alternative client provided in the assessment resources below.
Use standard (default) margins, double line spacing and 12-point font in your assessments.
The discussion essay must include the following:
1. Brief synopsis of the consumer you are working with and a rationale for utilising this intervention with this consumer.
2. Description of the process of engagement and how you established and maintained the therapeutic relationship.
3. Discussion on your practice in terms of how you planned and implemented the strategies within the chosen intervention, as well as the outcomes in terms of effectiveness, impact on recovery, any challenges, ethical considerations and the consumers perspective. Critically analyse your intervention using relevant contemporary high-quality literature.
4. Discuss how you developed your skills in using this intervention; how your practice will change as a result of this experience; and how you plan to develop these skills further
Alternative client choice
Maria, a 34-year-old woman, is referred to a mental health clinic by her primary care physician due to symptoms of anxiety, depression and alcohol misuse. Maria is a single mother of two young children and works as a nurse in a local hospital. She reports feeling overwhelmed by her responsibilities at work and at home, struggling to balance her demanding job with the needs of her children.
Maria describes experiencing frequent panic attacks, often triggered by thoughts of not being able to meet her children’s needs or failing at her job. She reports difficulty sleeping, poor concentration, and feelings of guilt for not being able to spend enough time with her children. Maria also mentions that she recently went through a divorce, which has added to her stress and feelings of loneliness.
Upon further assessment, it becomes evident that Maria lacks a strong support system and has few opportunities for self-care due to her demanding schedule. She expresses a fear of being judged by others and worries about being perceived as incompetent at work and as a parent.
Criterion 1:
Provide a brief synopsis of the client (use a pseudonym if you are using one of your clients) you are working with and a rationale for utilising this intervention with this consumer.
HD mark: Outstanding because it is a comprehensive and concise synopsis of the consumer and an informed rationale for applying the intervention
Some things to consider:
Who is the consumer you are working with and what is their story?
Why have you chosen this specific therapy for this client?
What supporting evidence underlies the selection of this particular therapy for the client?
Criterion 2:
Describe of the process of engagement and how the therapeutic relationship was established and maintained
HD mark: Outstanding because it is comprehensive and concise description of the components of the criterion
Some things to consider:
How did you approach engagement with this consumer?
What factors did you need to take into account before making this decision?
What was unique about the client?
How was the relationship maintained?
Criterion 3:
Critique and analysis of how this therapeutic intervention was utilised or intended to be used with support from contemporary literature.
Plans and implements the strategies within the chosen intervention to meet the outcomes in terms of effectiveness, impact on recovery, challenges, ethical considerations and the consumers perspective.
HD mark: Outstanding because it is a comprehensively and insightfully critique and analysis that meets the criterion requirements
Some aspects to consider
A broad discussion of the therapy in terms of what you did and why you did it in this way?
Planning and implementation of the strategies within the chosen intervention
Provide a more detailed overview of how you implemented this therapy, including specific examples of the strategies utilised in your selected therapeutic approach?
Effectiveness: Benefits to the consumer objective and subjective data
Impact on recovery: The consumers personal recovery story
Challenges: What didn’t go so well or changes along the way (potential and actual)
Ethical considerations: Consider what these are related to practice, your therapy and the consumer
Consumers perspective: Personal journey and experiences of the consumer
Criterion 4:
Reflection on skills development in using the psychosocial intervention and how practice will change as a result of this experience including a plan of how these skills will be developed further.
HD mark: Outstanding because it is a comprehensive and insightful contextual overview of skill development in using the psychosocial intervention, how practice will change and how skills will be developed further.
Some aspects to consider
How you acquired this knowledge and these skills
What are you going to do differently
Outline a plan that details what you need to do for further skill development as a result of this process
Criterion 5:
Writing is authentic and clearly expresses ideas and sound reasoning. Uses correct spelling and paragraph structure throughout. Structured as per requirements in Course outline.
HD mark: Exemplary writing with very high levels of authenticity and independent thought. Ideas and reasoning are clearly expressed. Introductory sentence used at the start of paragraphs. Main subject matter is developed within each paragraph. Concluding sentence used at the end of paragraphs. Exemplary spelling, grammar and syntax with no errors. Meets all style requirements.
Some aspects to consider
Structure and organisation
Can use headings
No tables, point form or lists
Paragraph structure
Authentic and expressed clearly