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Hello! Thank you so much for taking on this assignment! I am obtaining a post-ma

Hello! Thank you so much for taking on this assignment!
I am obtaining a post-master’s certificaiton in psychiatric mental health nurisng. The following is a rubric for my assignment. I have attahced a fellow classmates PP that you canuse as a guide. 
Group Therapy PPT Presentation: (20 Points)   9-12 Slide PPT presentation and submit narrated slides under designated Canvas assignment by Sunday 7/7.  Your narrated presentation should be 8-12 minutes in length.
Recommended Guide: Slide 1:  Title of Group and Student name;  Slide 2:  Goals of the Group;  Slide 3:  Group Membership;  Slide 4:  Training/Preparation/Considerations of Group Leaders;   Slide 5:  Timeframes for the Group;  Slide 6:  Resources and Budget;   Slide 7:  Billing/ Sustainability;  Slide 8:  Evaluation of Group;  Slide 9: References 
See Grading Rubric Attached to Assignment
Group Therapy PowerPoint (PPT) Presentation 24
Group Therapy PowerPoint (PPT) Presentation 24
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThis criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
Group Therapy Approaches
3 pts
Thoroughly describes various types of group therapies, with detailed discussion on specific approach, goals, key concepts, guiding principles, and use in practice.
3 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePlanning for Group
3 pts
Clearly describes nursing situation, diagnosis-specific patient populations, group makeup, timeline, purpose, and treatment plan. Thoroughly describes group leader role, tasks, and techniques.
3 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBudget and Sustainability
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEvaluation
3 pts
Uses at least two peer-reviewed studies to thoroughly support the group and treatment plan. Includes a comprehensive plan to evaluate patient and group outcomes.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar, Coherent Presentation, Overall Clarity, and Creativity
3 pts
Presentation is grammatically correct, coherent, clear, creative, and follows APA format including references.
Total Points: 15

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