Assignment Task
The purpose of this assessment is to consolidate your learning from this Course and demonstrate what you envisage will underpin your teaching and learning activities in the clinical context in the future.
This Assessment item has two parts:
Part 1: Reflecting on your previous experience in clinical teaching, the teaching session you planned in assessment 1 and your own experiences as a teacher and a student provide your philosophy of teaching and learning in the clinical context, with references.
Part 2: With reference to the WHO Nurse (2016) or Midwifery (2014) Educators Core Competencies select two core competency statements, (from the list below) that you need to strengthen, to improve your teaching in the clinical context. Explain how your performance in this area of competence needs to be improved. For each competency statement selected, critically examine one evidence-based strategy and describe how you would apply this strategy to support your learning and to strengthen your teaching. Please apply the cognitive (knowledge), affective (attitude and behaviour) and psychomotor (skills and ability) domains for each selected competency.
Please select any 2 of these:
WHO Nurse Educator Competencies: (choose any 2 of these)
Domain 4: Research and evidence – Core Competency 4: Nurse educators develop their critical inquiry and the ability to conduct research and utilize findings to identify and solve educational and practice-based problems.
Domain 5: Communication, Collaboration and Partnership – Core Competency 5: Nurse educators demonstrate effective communication skills that promote collaborative teamwork and enhance partnership among health professionals educational and clinical practice
Domain 6: Ethical/Legal Principles and Professionalism: Core Competency 6: Nurse educators demonstrate professionalism including legal, ethical, and professional values as a basis for developing nursing education policies, procedures and decision making.
Midwifery Educators core competencies: (choose any 2 of these)
Domain 1 – Ethical and legal principles of midwifery: Competency: Midwifery educators incorporate and promote ethical and legal aspects of midwifery care in teaching/learning activities and by consistent role modeling.
Domain 7 – Communication, leadership, and advocacy – Competency: Midwifery educators are effective communicators and function as advocates, change agents and leaders.
Domain 8 – Research – Competency: Midwifery educators promote the use of research and use it to inform midwifery education and practice.
Please include references in-text when you source or refer to the work of others. It is expected that you will use course readings and additional sources to prepare both parts of this assignment.