Introduction (10 points)
How would you define your carrier based on recent activities? Create a mission and vision statement (see
the PowerPoint concerning the competition). Don’t provide cookie cutter airline statements you can find
on the internet but be creative and reflective. What was your airline about? Where is your carrier going?
General Strategy (20 points)
What was your initial strategy? How did you set up your airline? What changes did you make along the
way? Did it work out? Why or why not?
Right home base? Route structure?
Proper aircraft selection? Operating strategy?
Leasing versus buying decision making? The correct choice? Appropriate configuration? Service
Fitting airline schedule? Right advertising campaign?
How productive was your workforce?
Airline Performance & Financial Analysis (50 points)
Review each quarter and address the following questions:
Appropriate airfares? Why or why not?
Was your airline able to turn a profit from the start? Why or why not?
If there were major changes to performance (i.e. a large increase in profit) in a specific quarter,
identify the root cause.
Review load factor and on-time performance.
What was your liquidated value over the course of the different quarters?
Assess each quarter and focus on the results of your main routes. Review your analyst section and
address how things change over the course of the simulation?
How did you manage your cash flow?
Airline Simulation – Assignment (82823.1)
Competitive Forces and SWOT (30 points)
Identify your immediate competitors. What was your competitive advantage?
Conduct a SWOT analysis for your own airline.
Conclusion (20 points)
You decide to sell your airline. What would be your advice for future management?
Submission Quality