Each task in this assessment booklet has been developed to enable you to evidence achievement of the learning outcomes and assessment criteria for CMI 305: Building Stakeholder Relationships using Effective Communication. Each of the assessment criteria must gain a pass outcome for you to successfully achieve the unit.
High performing individuals impact on the performance of teams and the organisation. The aim of this assessment booklet is to enable managers to evidence their understanding of how to use their knowledge, skills and abilities to support individuals, not only to perform well, but to exceed expectations.
It is an essential management skill to be able to develop constructive working relationships with internal and external stakeholders. This task is designed to enable you to know the purpose and benefits of understanding the needs and expectations of stakeholder groups to build relationships.
Working with stakeholders: You are a team leader working in a large organisation. As part of your role you come into contact with a variety of internal and external stakeholders.
Internal stakeholders include your own team members, project teams from across the organisation (based on and off site), your manager and/or members of the management team as well as stakeholders from other departments such as IT Services, Facilities, Finance, Learning and Development, Customer Services and Human Resources.
External stakeholders you come into contact with include customers, sales representatives, government agencies and partner agencies to the organisation.
Complete the following table by identifying THREE (3) stakeholder groups a manager may interact with as part of their working role and using examples, assess the benefits of building a relationship with the group.
(Refer to AC1.1 Identify a range of stakeholder groups relevant to the manager; AC1.3 Assess the benefits of building relationships with stakeholders and the Indicative Content for this AC)
To build effective relationships with stakeholders, it is essential for a manager to understand their needs and expectations.
Using examples, explain how a manager can assess the needs and expectations of different stakeholder groups.
(Refer to AC1.2 Explain how to assess the needs and expectations of stakeholder groups and the Indicative Content for this AC)
TASK 2: Channels and types of communication used to build relationships with stakeholders
The ability to communicate well, using different channels and types of communication, is critical in building relationships with stakeholders.
Communicating with stakeholders: You have recently had a Performance Development Review (PDR). You are keen to progress into higher management and one area of development that has been discussed is the need for you to review your approach to communicating and building relationships with stakeholders.
The internal stakeholders are primarily based on site, however the work patterns of staff vary as there is a flexible working arrangement, with many working from home on certain days of the week. All staff have a company laptop, however it can be difficult to build relationships with them when the primary method of communicating is through email.
You come into contact with a wide variety of external stakeholders. Communicating with them requires a flexible approach as not all have good access to technology and some prefer face to face communication. A number of external customers have a communication need. An example of this is when English is not their first language. You communicate with a number of external stakeholders sporadically and there are some stakeholders you have never met in person.
You acknowledge that you want to improve how you use communication to build relationships with others and have made it a personal goal to investigate how this can be achieved.
Compare the use of written, verbal and digital channels of communication that can be used to build relationships with stakeholders.
(Refer to AC2.1 Compare the channels of communication used to build stakeholder relationships and the Indicative Content for this AC)
It is essential to understand how verbal communication can be used effectively to build relationships with stakeholders.
Using examples, discuss THREE (3) types of verbal communication that can be used to build relationships with stakeholders.
(Refer to AC2.2 Discuss types of verbal communication used with stakeholders and the Indicative Content for this AC)
It is essential for a manager to be able to identify and explain barriers to effective communication and to know how to respond to these when dealing and interacting with stakeholders.
Barriers to stakeholder communication: An extract from a conversation.
“When you plan to speak to someone in person there always appears to be an interruption, either by others or simply noise from the working environment.
People are so busy, it is difficult finding a time to communicate; if one person is free to have a discussion, another participant’s diary is full.
Finding the right way of communicating is also a challenge, emails can go unread. It can be hard to contact others over the telephone. I find that responding to the needs of individuals for whom English is not their first language is a daunting experience.
There are a number of people I know who have a dislike of using technology. Other stakeholders I communicate with do not have access to technology. It would be great to try something innovative, such as a ‘virtual meeting’ but I am not sure how this would be received.
There is often the case of ‘Office Politics.’ People often say they only want to speak to the senior person in charge which can be very frustrating. Finally it isn’t always possible to communicate openly and share information with others due to meeting the requirements of the organisation’s communication policy.
It is a miracle anyone communicates at all!”
Complete the table, explaining THREE (3) barriers to effective communication with stakeholders and discussing ways of responding to the barriers.
(Refer to AC3.1 Explain barriers to effective communication with stakeholders; AC3.2 Discuss ways of responding to barriers when communicating with stakeholders and the Indicative Content for this AC)
An important role of the manager is to understand the importance of gathering stakeholder feedback and how this can be used to manage relationships.
Using examples, compare written, verbal and digital methods of gathering feedback from stakeholders.
(Refer to AC4.2 Compare methods of gathering feedback from stakeholders and the Indicative Content for this AC)
Using examples, discuss why it is important to get feedback from stakeholders.
(Refer to AC4.1 Discuss the importance of stakeholder feedback and the Indicative Content for this AC)
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