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Provide an abstract at the beginning of the paper but given after the paper is written and title it “abstract”.

Write an Analytical essay on the song “Man in the Mirror” by Michael Jackson.
What Needs To Be In The Essay:~
We meet the basic assignment requirements.
We address the assigned intended audience.
The thesis asserts what makes the song engaging and effective.
We support the thesis with details and examples from the song.
We refrain from unfocused personal reflection.
We refrain from summarizing without analyzing.
We refrain from presenting outside sources.
We will use first-person singular (“I/me”) when appropriate but not engage in personal reflection that does not serve our analysis (i.e., any personal reflection that gets us “off track”).
No presentation of sources other than the song.
3–5 pages (excluding cover page, abstract, and references
Purpose Of This Paper:~
The paper explains what makes a song of our choice engaging and effective at reaching a specific audience, representing a genre, or fitting in with its cultural context. In support of the paper’s main point (thesis) regarding the song’s effectiveness, we can examine the song’s use of rhetorical appeals (ethos, pathos, and/or logos) and explain how the appeals are used effectively or ineffectively in engaging an audience, representing a genre, or fitting in with its cultural context.
Let’s assume the readers have heard the song and are familiar with the song’s genre and the cultural context around the song. They want to learn why the song is popular in our current cultural context. (Answer this question)
Provide an abstract at the beginning of the paper but given after the paper is written and title it “Abstract”.
Research should not be conducted and sources other than the song should not be presented.
The paper opens in an engaging way and clearly identifies a text related to the assignment; the thesis analyzes without summarizing or reflecting on personal experience.
Each paragraph contains a topic sentence and supporting detail about a text related to the assignment.
Each paragraph is coherent and unified, and there are smooth transitions between paragraphs.
There is analysis without too much summary.
If the first person is used, it is appropriate and not overly reflective; the paper is overwhelmingly an analysis and not a personal reflection; the paper shows an awareness of the assigned audience.
The conclusion sums up the main points of the paper and makes a clear analytical point without reflection on personal experience.
No spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors. “You” use is omitted.
The paper follows APA format rules and contains the appropriate cover page, abstract, and headers/numbering.
Shows awareness of the assignment’s requirement that students do not present research in the paper.
(Side Notes) If I receive an A on this writing assignment I will add an additional tip

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