About: In this assignment, you will examine various scenarios involving a hypothesis test we have been working with called the independent samples t-test. The objective is to understand the statistical process of testing hypotheses and interpreting results. You will analyze provided data and write a report explaining the populations, variables, which one is the independent and dependent variable, and the results of the hypothesis test.
Directions: Select ONE scenarios and complete the following report for each scenario.
- Introduction
- Review the provided data describe the goal of the research including what the independent and dependent variable is. Provide the Null and Research hypothesis based on the data provided.
- Methods
- Describe the data including sample sizes for each group, mean hours for each group, variance, and observable differences
- State that the independent samples t-test was conducted and provide all the important results (t-statistic, p-value, degrees of freedom)
3. Results
- Interpret the results, is there a statistically significant relationship?
- Do we accept or reject the null hypothesis?
- Are the two variables related to one another?
4. Discussion
- Discuss any potential limitations of the test and results
- Provide some thoughts on why we obtained the results we obtained, consider various logical explanations
Word Count: Each report should be about 300 words or more, giving about 75 to 100 words per section in the directions provided.
Scenarios: Similar to the prep-lab, and the here are some scenarios of various statistical outputs involving t-tests. Select ONE of the following to complete your assignment
T-Test Lab Scenario 1: Chores by Gender/Sex
T-Test Lab Scenario 2: Number of Energy Drinks by Student Status
T-Test Lab Scenario 3: Retired vs Non-Retired & Stress Scores
T-Test Lab Scenario 4: Working Class vs Middle Class & Hours Spent on Leisure
T-Test Lab: Scenario 1
Chores by Gender/Sex
Important: Before completing the scenarios be sure you have completed the pre-lab and have looked at the directions in the Lab Analysis #1 Assignment.
About: In this scenario the researcher is interested in seeing if there is a difference in hours spent on chores per week based on Gender/Sex. Here are their results! Be sure to look at only the one-tailed p-value results.
Statistical Output
Descriptive Statistics: Hours Spent on Chores per Week by Sex
Samples | N | Mean | Variance |
Males | 314 | 6.4 hours | 5.5 |
Females | 445 | 7.5 hours | 3.7 |
T-statistic Output
T-statistic | degrees of freedom | One-Tailed (Sig.) | Two-Tailed (Sig.) |
3.9 | 757 | p = .000052 | p = .000105 |
If you have selected this scenario, complete the lab analysis #1 based on these outputs. Feel free to copy and paste these outputs onto a word document along with the instructions of Lab Analysis #1 to begin your Lab Analysis.
T-Test Lab: Scenario 2
Energy Drinks by Student Status
Important: Before completing the scenarios be sure you have completed the pre-lab and have looked at the directions in the Lab Analysis #1 Assignment. Remember you just have to choose two scenarios.
About: In this scenario the researcher is interested in seeing if there is a difference in energy drinks consumed per week based on student status (student vs non-student). Here are their results! Be sure to look at only the one-tailed p-value results only.
Statistical Output
Descriptive Statistics: Energy Drinks by Student Status
Samples | N | Mean | Variance |
Students | 56 | 1.1 | .33 |
Non-Students | 71 | 0.25 | .65 |
T-statistic Output
T-statistic | degrees of freedom | One-Tailed (Sig.) | Two-Tailed (Sig.) |
1.855 | 125 | p = .032976 | p = .065952 |
If you have selected this scenario, complete the lab analysis #1 based on these outputs. Feel free to copy and paste these outputs onto a word document along with the instructions of Lab Analysis #1 to begin your Lab Analysis.
T-Test Lab: Scenario 4
Hours of Leisure by Class
Important: Before completing the scenarios be sure you have completed the pre-lab and have looked at the directions in the Lab Analysis #1 Assignment.
About: In this scenario the researcher is interested in seeing if there is a difference in hours spent on leisure per week based on Social Class. Here are their results! Be sure to look at only the one-tailed p-value results.
Statistical Output
Descriptive Statistics: Hours of Leisure based on Social Class
Samples | N | Mean | Variance |
Middle Class | 503 | 8.9 | 6.5 |
Working Class | 478 | 7.1 hours | 7.8 |
T-statistic Output
T-statistic | degrees of freedom | One-Tailed (Sig.) | Two-Tailed (Sig.) |
1.033 | 979 | p = .15093 | p = .301859 |
If you have selected this scenario, complete the lab analysis #1 based on these outputs. Feel free to copy and paste these outputs onto a word document along with the instructions of Lab Analysis #1 to begin your Lab Analysis.
T-Test Lab: Scenario 3
Stress Scores by Retired Status
Important: Before completing the scenarios be sure you have completed the pre-lab and have looked at the directions in the Lab Analysis #1 Assignment. Remember you just have to choose two scenarios.
About: In this scenario the researcher is interested in seeing if there is a difference in Stress based on retired status (retired vs not retired). Here are their results! Be sure to look at only the one-tailed p-value results only.
Statistical Output
Descriptive Statistics: Stress Scores by Retired Status
Samples | N | Mean | Variance |
Retired | 34 | 13.2 | 5.6 |
Not Retired | 55 | 16.8 | 7.9 |
T-statistic Output
T-statistic | degrees of freedom | One-Tailed (Sig.) | Two-Tailed (Sig.) |
4.901 | 87 | p <.001 | p <.001 |
If you have selected this scenario, complete the lab analysis #1 based on these outputs. Feel free to copy and paste these outputs onto a word document along with the instructions of Lab Analysis #1 to begin your Lab Analysis.