Assignment Task
It’s time to put away the Excel sheet and enter the world of programming with Python. In this assignment, you’ll use the concepts you’ve learned to complete two Python challenges, PyBank and PyPoll. Both tasks present a real-world situation where your newly developed Python scripting skills come in handy.
Before starting the assignment, be sure to complete the following steps:
Create a new repository for this project called python-challenge.Do not add this homework assignment t an existing repository.Clone the new repository to your computer.Inside your local Git repository, create a folder for each Python assignment and name them PyBank and PyPoll .In each folder that you just created, add the following content: A new file called will be the main script to run for each analysis.A Resources folder that contains the CSV files you used.Make sure that your script has the correct path to the CSV file.An analysis folder that contains your text file that has the results from your analysis
Correctly Reads in the CSV
Reads in the CSVs for both PyBank and PyPoll using PythonSuccessfully stores the header row
Results Printed out correctly to the terminal
Results correctly display for PyBankAverage Change Greatest IncreaseGreatest Decrease
Code Runs Error Free
Error FreeProducing consistent results
Exports results to text file
The text file contains for PyBankAverage ChangeGreatest IncreaseGreatest Decrease