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Before you start a project, you need to understand the brief and clarify what the project needs to achieve. Then you can explore ideas and start problem-solving. 1.1.1 Aquire information on the brief 1. Who is the client? 2. What will the end product be? 3. What are the objectives of the brief? 4. Who is the target audience?

Assignment Task


The objective of this assessment is to assess your knowledge and performance in following a design process at a basic level, incorporating an element of problem-solving to identify and resolve challenges that may hinder the process. It involves establishing the challenges faced in the design process, exploring different ideas for solutions, and solving the associated challenges through the implementation of solutions.

Instructions for this Assessment

This is a project-based assessment that assesses the student on their knowledge and performance of the unit.

This assessment is in 3 parts: ·

Part 1: Clarify the brief ·

Part 2: Research and explore ideas ·

Part 3: Finalise and evaluate the solution.

Each part must be completed for both Project 1 and for Project 2. And is supported by: ·

Assessment checklist
Assessment feedback
Supporting documents

Part 1: Task 1. Acquiring information on the brief

Before you start a project, you need to understand the brief and clarify what the project needs to achieve. Then you can explore ideas and start problem-solving.

1.1.1 Aquire information on the brief

1. Who is the client?

2. What will the end product be?

3. What are the objectives of the brief?

4. Who is the target audience?

5. How will people be seeing the design?

6. What are the specifications?

7. What is the timeline/timeframe for the project from start to finish?

8. What style or theme does the product need to have?

Part 1: Task 3. Confirming the brief

1.2.1 Role play scenario – confirming the brief

The following task will require you to partner up with one (1) other student, or a family member or friend. This can be done in person, or online

Complete this activity for both of your projects.

Your demonstration will be used as part of the overall evidence requirements of the unit.

You should refer to the list of criteria provided in the Observation Checklist to understand what skills you need to demonstrate in this section of the assessment. This Checklist outlines the Performance Criteria, Performance Evidence and Assessment Conditions your Teacher/Assessor will be marking you on.

To prepare for this role play complete the following.

1. List a minimum of two (2) questions to ask the stakeholder to further clarify the brief. Ensure the questions are simple enough that your partner can provide an answer.

2. Based on the objectives you highlighted in task 1.1.1, agree on them with your stakeholder/client by writing your objectives and their response in the space below.

3. It is always important to obtain client sign-off once an agreement or decision has been made. Once the above two questions have been addressed and confirmed with the stakeholder/client, get them and yourself to either physically or digitally (print name) sign the following templates. For the purposes of this assessment task, you can type in the signature to indicate the signing.

Part 1: Task 3. Develop your project plan and work schedule

1.3.1 Develop your project plan

Now that you have acquired the information from the design brief, it is time to develop your project plan to ensure you are organised.

Remember, you will need to complete these questions and activities for both projects.

Project objectives

1. Outline what the project will set out to achieve

Project scope

2. What is included in the project?

3. What is not included in the project?

Project deliverables

4. What will be delivered when the project is complete? Be as detailed as possible.

Project constraints/limitations

5. What are the constraints or limitations of the brief and how may this impact on your design?

Supporting resources

6. List any items that you have or need to successfully complete the design work. Include tools and materials.

1.3.2 Estimate your work schedule

To ensure your project plan is effectively delivered, develop a work schedule of your upcoming tasks. This does not need to be perfect at this stage, and you may need to adjust your timelines to account for difficulties in the project as well as outside factors that limit your available time.

Using the template below, calculate the dates that will apply to your project over the next two months and add the starting date of each week in the top row. Then shade the weeks where you think each piece of work may need to be scheduled to meet the client brief/due date. Remember, you will need to do this for both projects

Part 2: Research and explore ideas

The assessment part consists of four (4) tasks.

1. Research

2. Brainstorming

3. Thumbnails

4. Refinement and feedback

Remember, you will need to complete these tasks for each project.

Part 2: Task 1. Research

2.1.1 Research

a) List three (3) sources of information you could use for new ideas for your project below.

b) List two (2) examples of places where you can get help and guidance as you create your project work.

Part 2: Task 2. Creative thinking

2.2.1 Creative thinking

Use two (2) creative thinking techniques to help you come up with ideas for your project. Paste an image of your creative thinking techniques in the box below.

b) To solve the problem within the design brief, use the ideas generated above.

List three (3) ideas that could meet the design brief in the space below. This could include the appeal to your audience and colours you envision for the concept.

Part 2: Task 3. Thumbnails and refinement

a) Reflect on your ideas and choose one that best meets the design brief. Then create 10 quick thumbnail drawings which explore the design possibilities, for both projects.

2.3.3 Refining your ideas

The following activity will be completed on your own.

a) From your thumbnails and the feedback provided by the stakeholder, choose your 3 favourites and rework and refine them into new drawings to present to the client.

Paste your three (3) thumbnails below. Provide detailed summary for each idea which includes the reason you considered the idea to be suitable.

State whether or not you consider the idea meets the brief.

Part 2: Task 4. Gathering client signoff

During the presentation, you must:

• summarise your key ideas

• present yourself in a professional manner

• seek feedback using questioning and listening techniques

• demonstrate positive communication and non-verbal skills

• obtain required approvals and sign-off to progress the solution.

Your partner will again pose as the stakeholder/client who you will present the following to.

a) Present your ideas/thumbnails to the stakeholder/client with your summary to gain feedback and approvals on a single design to proceed with.

b) What feedback did you receive? Summarise what you heard but writing it in the space below

c) Get them to sign whether they believe you have addressed all the required criteria of the brief

d) Provide a screenshot of the location you have stored your data for maintenance and the files included.

Part 3: Finalise and evaluate the solution

The assessment part consists of three (3) tasks.

1. Preparation for completing your project.

2. Finalising your project and seeking feedback.

3. Evaluation.

Remember you must complete these tasks for both projects

Part 3: Task 1. Prepare to complete your project

3.1.1 Refining your schedule

At the beginning of this project, you developed a project plan alongside an estimate of your work schedule. Now that you understand the direction you are taking, it is important to reassess the materials needed and scheduling to complete the project so that you can alert the client if there are any changes to the initial agreement such as timelines and budgeting.

Answer the questions to help you organise yourself to complete your project.

a) Update your list of resources such as materials and tools that you will need to complete your project and note whether they will need to be acquired or if you already own them.

b) How much time do you have to complete your project? List key tasks and completion dates. Add additional rows if required.

c) To help ensure you are organised, use some form of scheduling tool (such as Microsoft excel, Microsoft word or Jira), create a comprehensive schedule of when you will complete each task and their due dates.

Part 3: Task 2. Test your project

3.2.1 Test your project

a) Create your prototype(s) (online students: there are multiple prototypes required a card for project 1 and two logos for project 2) as per your design brief. Take photographs of your prototype, if it is a model provide images of front, back, sides and make sure to place a ruler next to the model for scale purposes.

b) Identify any problems you had with your prototype(s). Seek advice and guidance on these problems from your partner or group and summarise the outcomes of this meeting using simple language and structure. You do not need to submit video evidence of this meeting, just record their responses in this table.

c) Review suggested solutions above and if you think they help to better meet the design brief, implement these into your protype.

Write a summary as to how the feedback helped you solve your problems and paste the images of the prototype into the box below. Make a summary of how you used the feedback and how it helped your design

Part 3: Task 3. Evaluate your project

3.3.1 Evaluate your project

It is always good practice to evaluate your project when you have completed it.

1) Reflect on your final prototype, identify and provide a minimum of three (3) points on what was successful and what you may do differently on your next project.

2) Complete the following lessons learned report to reflect on how effectively you completed the design process. While your responses must relate to both projects, it is acceptable for the same response to be applicable to both projects

a. Did the final product stay true to the brief? How?

b. If no, what was different?

c. If no, why did this happen?

d. If no, how can you avoid this happening again?

e. How was the relationship with the client?

f. Did you continue ongoing discussion and confirmation throughout all stages of the project?

g. Did you implement any modifications or amendments after consultation with your client?

h. Did you identify problems throughout or at the end of the design process?

i. How can these problems be avoided in the future?

j. Were you able to adhere to the timeline?

k. Did you under or overestimate the time needed for particular phases?

l. Would you arrange this differently next time?

m. Was the visual design process successful?

n. Where are the shortcomings in the visual design?

o. What can you do as a designer to address these shortcomings?

p. Overall, what would do different differently next time?

3) Provide a screenshot of where and how you have organized and maintained all of your files and documents throughout the course of the project.

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