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Read chapter 1 in the Kramer (2009) text-Disaster Planning and Control. The chapters align with the objectives by providing the student the opportunity to consider the information presented in the chapter and reflect on these concepts.
Your response should be no less than 6 pages of written response.
The paper will provide an overview of the history of emergency management and the roles of the military versus civilians as well as discuss the various levels of planning. The paper will provide the detail necessary for the reader to understand your thoughts and what you have learned.
Similarity scores are expected to be less than 20%. Any score over 40% will be automatically returned. Scores between 25% – 39% may be returned for rework. Avoid using the author’s ideas or quotes to answer the questions. They can support your ideas, but cannot be used to answer the questions.
Information that is acquired from a source must be cited in APA format.
References should be cited in the body of the paper in APA format.
Multiple valid sources must be used.
Sources are peer-reviewed journals (primary), books and trade journals (secondary), news publications or other non-vetted sources (opinion pieces)
Wikipedia is not a source.
Your completed paper should be double-spaced, in 12-point Times New Roman font, with title page, abstract, conclusion, and reference list, following the APA format. It should be saved as a Word (*.doc, *.docx) file and uploaded here using the following naming convention:
Enter the following on the Title Page of your paper:
Course Name: FES4825 Disaster Planning and Control
Module Number and Assignment Name: Module 1 Paper
Student Name
Today’s Date: month/day/year
The assignment must follow academic and scholar formatting and writing style:
Abstract – it’s own page (150-250 words summarizing what will be discussed). No references to the course or assignment in the abstract..
Introduction – introduce the subject
Body of paper – use headers to delineate ideas
Conclusion page
Reference page