Cover page contents:
You’re required to include the following information in the cover page of your assignment:
Assignment name/title
Sub-title of your assignment: if any
Your name and ID
Subject name and number
Total word count
The declaration on the use of AI tools: Please provide this at the beginning of the assignment – after the cover page contents
Writing style:
Fonts: any standard fonts such as Times New Roman, Calibri, etc. and the font size is 11/12.
Line spacing: one and a half or two.
Writing Instructions for Assignment task 3 (AT3), tips & Q&A
Slides on AT3, AI declaration guides and others.pptx (used in the meeting on the AT3 & Q&A))
Links to intended learning outcomes (ILO):
LO2 – Critically appraise contemporary frameworks and curricula for the promotion of positive relationships and student wellbeing, and understand their implications for school policy and teacher practice (or organisation policy and practice where agreed with tutor)
LO3 – Critically analyse the impact of school (or organisational) culture on student and staff (or organisational community) wellbeing and identify evidence-informed approaches to building a positive learning environment.
Links to key generic skills:
Engage confidently in the promotion of student wellbeing and effectively address barriers to student learning and wellbeing at the classroom and school level;
Lead and promote effective, ethical and respectful relationships with all involved in the learning community
Critically evaluate approaches to student resilience and relationships at a class, school and system level; and
Collaborate effectively to ensure that equity, participation and democracy are manifested in learning and teaching and organizational processes.
Your task
Steps towards a whole school wellbeing strategy.pdf
Preparation, resources and reading packs
Write an evidence-informed briefing paper to present to an organisation/ school’s leadership team to guide them in implementing a whole school approach to implementing the program you analysed in Assessment 2.
This briefing paper will address wellbeing issues or skills in more detail and consider the other supports we need in a school or educational organisation to implement a whole school approach using the Health Promoting Schools Framework.
This briefing paper will provide an update about what is known in the research about this issue and its impact on wellbeing and education. It will discuss findings from the research evidence-base regarding effective approaches to prevention of this problem. It will include discussion of the evidence-base pointing to the importance of a whole of organisation approach to promoting wellbeing in relation to this issue, using evidence from the prevention education literature as part of this argument. For example, if you are implementing a SEL program, what does the literature tell us about what SEL provides students and what wellbeing issues SEL is evidenced to address. What do we know about these wellbeing issues in current education settings?
A good way to approach this activity is to identify different parts of the whole school approach that we know and thinking about the different ways each part can be planned for in addressing the issue or implementing the program. The first 4 sections of this book chapter: What do we mean by Whole School Approach?
might help you support your work. It is from the book: The Educators’ Guide to Whole-school Wellbeing which is available as an eBook in the library and in readings online.
You can present this 2 ways: a) in a written document or b) a recorded ppt presentation. You will be marked on either with the same criteria. There is a Drafting Document in the LMS to help you prepare for this assignment.
If you choose a presentation it should be no more than 20 minutes long and should include a slide show or other visual presentation (Website, SWAY, etc) that includes citations of each part of the argument. You will need to submit a transcript for your presentation which will be checked by Turnitin so any quotes that you use will need to be identified and cited correctly in the transcript.
Adhere to academic writing conventions and APA 7 referencing style (see
Interpreting the rubrics
Terminology: To ensure clarity when reading the rubrics for this assessment task, definitions of some of the key terms used in the rubrics are defined
Quality criteria:
Examines: analyses/studies the research base in detail
Explains: (building on from describing or outlining) details how or why whole of organisation approaches promote wellbeing
Describes: gives details of the evidence base regarding whole of organisation approaches to promoting wellbeing
Succinctly describe the main focus of the paper/ presentation, identifying the wellbeing issue under discussion (what is the issue, connection with AT2 and what is your proposal in relation to a context (such as bullying in Australian secondary school, mental health problems in Chinese high schools, etc.)
Provide an overview of the paper presentation (roadmap- what will the readers read next based on the sections and make critical connections between the sections)
Discussion: The issue
Introduce data on the prevalence and impact of the wellbeing issue and definitions which are important to approach. (what is the issue, related definitions, what can be the impacts of the issue and rationale why it is important to address)
Discussion: evidence-informed responses
3. 1 Discuss what can be learned from research conducted into prevention approaches to this issue in similar settings. (Except for the WSA/HPS, any preventative framework, model, strategy or research that prevent the issue)
3. 2 Discuss what can be learned from the evidence-base regarding a whole of organisation approach to promoting wellbeing in relation to this or similar wellbeing issues. (only WSA-based preventative approaches)
Discussion: implications for organizational response (please use BOTH the whole-of-organisation approach and MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Support))
Discuss the implications for the organisation considering the research and propose evidence-informed recommendations. You must link these EXPLICTLY to the research you have included in the discussion. The research you have read should guide the recommendations that you make.
Conclusion: How will you know this has been successful? (make a summary and discuss in brief how your proposed program/model is helpful to address and prevent the issue)
Websites to find prevalence data on health and wellbeing:
Australia Bureau of Statistics to an external site.
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare to an external site. to an external site.
National Bureau of Statistics of China (you can write down ‘health’ in the search box of the link and you’ll get some data and reports on health-related matters) to an external site.
WHO dataset: to an external site. to an external site.
UNICEF dataset on various wellbeing issues: to an external site.
UNICEF datasets: search by country: to an external site.
World Bank data to an external site. to an external site.
OECD heath data to an external site.
Global Health Data Exchange (write country and health issue in the search box) to an external site.
General policy and procedure
For more information on MGSE assessment information and associated policies, please refer to the MGSE assessment information and policy page
For more information on academic policies and procedures, please refer to the UoM policy library
General Principles
‘In all written work submitted for assessment you must show the sources for your material. The principle is that whenever submitted material is not your own original work this must be acknowledged. To present material without acknowledgment is in effect to claim that it represents your own work and ideas’.
For more information on what to cite and when, please refer to the UoM Academic Honesty and Plagiarism page
The Graduate School of Education uses the APA style if referencing.
MGSE Policy on Late Submission of Essays/Assignments and Exceeding Word Limits
Unless an extension has been granted, for essays/assignments submitted after the due date, the mark a student is awarded for their work will be reduced by 10% of the obtained total possible marks for each day the work is late, excluding Saturday and Sunday. For example, if an assignment obtains a total of 70% score, the calculation for a day late penalty will be (70-10)% = 60%. That is, the final score for the assignment will be 60%. The same policy is applied for writing more than 10% or more than 2750 words.
Using electronic submission means work may be submitted on any day. Assignments that are submitted late and are marked to a fail as a result of late submission may not be resubmitted.
Unless an extension has been granted, assignments submitted later than 5 days (i.e., 6 days or later) after the due date will not be marked and will receive no marks.
Please make sure that you follow the policy.
If there are exceptional circumstances affecting your capacity to submit work on time, you may apply for Special Consideration online through the Student Portal. If there are ongoing matters, such as health issues, that impact your capacity to complete assessments, you should contact Student Equity and Disability Support to speak with them about developing an Impact Statement. These will allow for some leeway in the submission of required work.
View Rubric
Assignment 3 (1) (1)
Criteria Ratings Pts
1. Describes the issue or approach
2 pts
1.2 Describes the issue or approach
1 pts
1.1 States the issue or identifies the approach
0 pts
No Marks
/ 2 pts
2. Provides an overview of the paper/presentation
2 pts
2.2 Explains the links between each section of the paper/ presentation
1 pts
2.1 States the structure of the paper/ presentation
0 pts
No Marks
/ 2 pts
3. Explains the prevalence data related to the wellbeing issue
2 pts
3.2 Explains the prevalence data considering the impact of the wellbeing issue
1 pts
3.1 Lists the prevalence data related to the wellbeing issue
0 pts
No Marks
/ 2 pts
4. Examines the wellbeing issue in context of writer’s school/organisation
3 pts
4.3 Compares organisation data to broader research-based data
2 pts
4.2 Describes how the issue manifests in organisation
1 pts
4.1 Lists organisation data related to the issue
0 pts
No Marks
/ 3 pts
5. Discusses research-based prevention education approaches
3 pts
5.3 Examines research-based prevention approaches to the issue in similar settings
2 pts
5.2 Outlines research- based prevention approaches related to the issue
1 pts
5.1 States research -based prevention approaches
0 pts
No Marks
/ 3 pts
6. Discusses evidence base regarding a whole of organisation approach to promoting wellbeing re the issue
3 pts
Full Marks
6.3 Explains key findings from evidence-base re whole of school approaches to promoting wellbeing re the issue
2 pts
6.2 Describes a whole of organisation approach to promoting wellbeing re the issue, informed by the evidence-base
1 pts
6.1 Lists components of a whole of organisation approach to promoting wellbeing re the issue
0 pts
No Marks
/ 3 pts
7. Discusses implications for the organisation supported by the research
3 pts
7.3 Explains implications for the organisation, supported by the evidence-base
2 pts
7.2 Outlines implications for the organisation, considering the evidence-base
1 pts
7. 1 States implications for the organisation
0 pts
No Marks
/ 3 pts
8. Proposes evidence-informed recommendations for the organisation
4 pts
8.4 Prioritises recommendations to form a basis of a plan of action
(scope and sequence based on organisational need and supported with research)
3 pts
8.3 Justifies the recommendations supported by the research
(Critical argument)
2 pts
8.2 Explains recommendations considering the research
(supported by the research with description)
1 pts
8.1 States recommendations
0 pts
No Marks
/ 4 pts
9. Uses linguistic structures and features
4 pts
9.4 Synthesizes the key ideas presented throughout the paper to form a conclusion
(The review of the research literature informs the recommendations and analysis of the socio-cultural aspects of the context informs this).
3 pts
9.3 Develops an argument throughout the paper that leads to evidence supported recommendations
(The review of the research literature informs the recommendations with clear logical progression of ideas)
2 pts
9.2 Follows a format of introduction of main ideas, presentation of the evidence and conclusion with recommendations.
1 pts
9.1 Presents ideas related to the theme
0 pts
No Marks
/ 4 pts
10. Uses writing conventions
2 pts
10.2 Writes/ Speaks in academic register. .
(Using the language of relevant academic research)
1 pts
10.1 Uses Australian Standard English writing/ speaking conventions
0 pts
No Marks
/ 2 pts
11. Uses referencing conventions (APA)
2 pts
11.2 Uses APA referencing style throughout the text with precision
1 pts
11.1 Demonstrates a developing use of APA referencing
0 pts
No Marks
/ 2 pts
if u need extrra information, plz dm me asap. THX!