Go to Congress’ Legislative Information website at Congress.gov and find a bill sponsored by your member of Congress (if you live in MD) or any MD member of Congress (if you do not live in MD), then complete the following (20 pts):
What is the number and title of the bill?Are there co-sponsors?
What parties are they from?
What is the bill’s status in the legislative process? Is there a hearing scheduled? Has there already been one? What is next?
What is the purpose of the bill?
Is there a similar bill in the Senate? If so, who is the sponsor and what is the bills status?
See if there is any other information you can get on the bill by going to the sponsors home websites. Do they have press releases or statements about the bill?
What do you think will happen to the bill? Will it die in committee or make it all the way to the President for his signature? Explain your reasoning.