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History of Latin America-Final Exam Pick 10 of these 15. This final exam is due

History of Latin America-Final Exam
Pick 10 of these 15. This final exam is due on Turnitin by 11:59pm on 5/24/22. Remember to examine your notes for examples to include in your answers. For example:
Trujillo, Batista, Castro, Armas. NAFTA, Iran Contra, Ubico, United Fruit Company, Arbenz, Arevalo, Somoza. Sandinistas, Contras, Guatemalan Massacre.
Answer each of the selected questions in no less than a paragraph, more if needed.
It has been a pleasure working with you. Good luck.
1. What difficulties newly Latin American countries face in the 1830s and 1840s?
2, Why did the first generation of liberals fail to achieve their goals leading to a conservative reaction at midcentury?
3. What sorts of governments arose to oversee the neocolonial order in Latin America?
4. How the 19th century scientific racism function, basically to update the caste system?
5. How did national politics engage broad enthusiasm throughout Latin America after 1929? Particularly, what was the new nationalist ideology of race, and how it embodied in the arts?
6. How did the 1930s depression and WWII affect the relationship between the US and Latin America?
7. In what ways dies the 1954 US intervention in Guatemala exemplify patterns of the emerging Cold Wat in Latin America?
8. Did the triumph of the Cuban Revolution in 1959 present a plausible model for would be guerillas around the region?
9. How did neoliberalism gain such wide acceptance after the Cold War Era?
10. How have Latin American economies evolved in the new era of globalization?
11.Can you trace the emergence of the anticommunist alliance between the US armed forces and Latin American armed forces?
12. What other countries in Latin America became Cold War battlefields?
13. How did the Cold War context define US-Latin American relations from the 1950s through the 1980s?
14.Please discuss the Jones Act, the Foraker Act.
15. How did Operation Bootstrap contribute to the History of Latin America?

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Pick 10 of these 15. This final exam is due appeared first on Skilled Papers.

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