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Imagine that you have been asked to create a short informative presentation to feature at a Clancy Catholic College assembly, addressing the following overarching question How are Catholic

Assignment Task


In Religion, Catholic Studies we are focusing on the topic of Catholic Social Teaching.


Imagine that you have been asked to create a short informative presentation to feature at a Clancy Catholic College assembly, addressing the following overarching question How are Catholics called to respond to ONE contemporary social justice concern? Using the knowledge that you have gained in class, and further research that you undertake, you are to address the following in your answer to the overarching question in your.


What is Catholic Social Teaching?


What is the issue?
What specific facts can you cite about the issue? E.g. statistics
Why should Catholics care about the issue?
How can Scripture help to interpret the issue?
How do the principles of Catholic Social Teaching apply?
What actions should Catholics take to address the situation? How are Catholics called to live out the principles of Catholic Social Teaching?

Possible social justice issues include

Access to clean water and sanitation
Climate justice
Human trafficking

Treatment of asylum seekers and refugees Another, in consultation with your teacher Presentation Your presentation must be no longer than 4 minutes in length however, you may exceed the time limit of 4 minutes by 10% (maximum time: 4 minutes 24 seconds). It must also be suitable for secondary students and include.

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