In Leviathan, Thomas Hobbes presents a bleak and individualistic conception of human nature. In the absence of any external political authority to impose obligations upon individuals, people are in a natural state of war against each other. Do you agree with Hobbes’ understanding of human nature?
Begin by a) explaining the main features of human nature on Hobbes’ account. What are human beings essentially or fundamentally like, for Hobbes? Explain these features in conjunction with Hobbes’ notion of the state of nature and the social contract. Once you’ve explained these ideas, b) provide an argument or reason for whether you agree with Hobbes’ conception of human nature. Do you think human beings are naturally individualistic and violent? Or do you think Hobbes’ bleak picture of humanity is flawed in some way? Make sure your explication is rooted firmly in the text. In other words, your essay should focus on isolating and explaining key passages/quotes from the text itself. An essay that is overly vague/general and that makes no explicit reference to the texts will receive a low grade.