Assignment Task
Interference effects between two or more neighboring bodies create change in the flow surrounding them due to different flow separation and reattachment. This gives additional aerodynamic forces and high vibration may occur in certain wind directions relating to a phenomenon called Interference Galloping. A case study of computational fluid dynamics simulation on two-in-line cylinders (See figure below) addresses the different effects between two incoming wind directions 0° and 10.
The case study should run in the following approach:
2-D domain
Inlet wind speed = 12 m/s
Distance between cylinders A/D = 1.875
Transient simulation*: 120 seconds
Expected results
Brief review on previous investigation on two in-line cylinders in CFD
Velocity contour and streamline between two cases
Lift force comparison between two cases
One written report containing short background
The written documentation should be prepared in an article or journal paper style with 6-10 pages. You can prepare the document with Word or with LaTeX
Structure of the report: Introduction and brief description of case study, Methodology and numerical approach (size of domain, turbulence model, etc), Results, Conclusion