Journalism use what we call the 5Ws or who, what, when, where, and why. But, there is another element that is sometimes included is the elusive “H” or how an event is covered.
For this assignment, you will be examining how a particular event was covered.
You will need to select a local, state, national or international news story to analyze. You can use a physical newsprint story, an online news article, news broadcast video, or social media news source. In fact, you must use and cite 3 different sources. You can analyze how the sources covered a global event (like global warming, economics, women’s rights, social justice, etc.) or you can look at a more targeted event (like changes in South Florida like sea level rise, local elections, school zoning, labor strikes, the environment, etc.). The news event that you choose is up to you. If you do decide on a local focus, you should use different local news outlets.
1. Select a local, state, national, or international
event/news story to analyze.
2. Find 3 or more media outlets that covered the same event.
3. Make sure the coverage between the mediums is within 7-10 days.
4. Think critically about how the different news organizations covered the event. How much space or time did the organization use? Was it a top story in all three? Who did they quote?
Did they use the same quotes or information?