Task 1: Supervised and Unsupervised Learning
Use the data below for the task
You will need to accomplish the following:
- Perform classification using 3 algorithms, compare and discuss the results of the chosen algorithms.
- Perform regression using 2 algorithms, compare and discuss the results of the chosen algorithms.
- Perform clustering using 2 algorithms, compare and discuss the results of the chosen algorithms.
Perform association rule mining using 1 algorithm and discuss the results (rules generated
For the tasks above, it is also required to do the following:
- Use simple descriptive analytics to analyse the data (e.g. all attributes distribution, outliers).
- Use data exploratory techniques (e.g. three visualisations) to explore the dataset and analyse the results.
- Analyse the results with regards to the dataset properties.
Task 2: Text Mining
For this task, use the link in the Sentiment Labelled file to download the dataset.
Then use one of the text data attached, that is;
- Amazon
- IMDb
- Yelp
You will need to accomplish the following:
1. Preprocess the textual data to transform it into a structured format.
2: Explain the changes to the data for each preprocessing method applied.
3: Use descriptive analytics for feature description of the dataset.
4: Perform clustering using 1 algorithm and discuss the results.
5: Perform classification using 2 algorithms, compare and discuss the results.