Please attach your microtheme as a PDF. Your microtheme should be between 750 and 1000 words long–significantly longer or shorter than that and you will be graded down.*
I won’t accept late assignments. And, please do not reuse any articles you’ve used in past assignments! Double-space, underline your thesis, and list your sources at the bottom of your microtheme. Not doing EACH of these things will result in my grading you down one full grade–apiece.
This microtheme will ask you to choose three documents from ONE of the two subject areas below. Don’t mix and match–they won’t fit together well. Be sure to give attention to each article, and analyze each–don’t mine any just for data. Be sure to use the skills you perfected writing the Critical Thinking Assignment, Warm Up, and Microtheme #1. You can use the textbook and lectures as background material of course. ANALYZE, ANALYZE, ANALYZE!!! You must have a strong thesis statement. You should use all of your discussion to prove your thesis with analysis and resist summary. You may of course use quotations from the documents as needed, but the GREAT majority should be in your own words.