Assignment 1
Instructions: Reflect on what you have learned about the fundamentals of healthcare finance over these past seven weeks. Select a financial principle, methodology, or process that you found interesting and discuss how health managers can use your selected principle, methodology, or process further to improve the patient care experience within their organization. Additionally, discuss whether the selected principle, methodology, or concept can be applied to your current or future role as a healthcare professional.
Your response should consist of at least 400-600 words and follow APA Guidelines.
- Identify and summarize a financial principle, methodology, or process that you found interesting. (cash flow estimations).
- Discuss how your selected principles, methodology, or process can further improve the patient care experience within healthcare organizations.
- Explain how your selected principle, methodology, or process can be applied to your current or future role as a healthcare professional.
Should you use external scholarly articles to support your responses, do ensure to use appropriate APA and include a references page.
- Gapenski’s Fundamentals of Healthcare Finance, text
- Chapter 13. Assessing Financial Condition, pp. 382-411
- Stobierski, T. (2020, June 18). How to determine the financial health of your company. HBS Online. Business Insights – Blog.
First, reference the readings provided to you this week. Next, review the two scenarios provided to you. As you review the scenarios, put yourself in the position of being that person’s case manager or family member. You will need to choose one of the scenarios. Once you have selected a scenario, you will need to create a two part long-term care plan:A medical wellbeing and a financial wellbeing. In order to be successful in this assignment, you will need to incorporate elements that you have learned from the previous six weeks of this course.
Part One: Medical Wellbeing
The initial component of the assignment is the “medical” wellbeing of your client/family member. When looking at the scenario, help your client navigate the “best” option for them to move through the appropriate facilities and/or services in order to have a quality life, for the remainder of their life, whatever that may be. For example, would it make sense for Mr. Smith to go to an independent living facility or home? Why? What are the steps that need to be taken? What will the timelines look like? What are the best practices and possible outcomes?
Part Two: Financial Wellbeing
The second component of the assignment is the ”financial” wellbeing of your client/family member. You will need to lay out the best possible financial path, but it will need to be intertwined into the medical path in order to tie it all together. For example, Mr. Smith will need to be placed on hospice and his insurance covers xyz.
Submission Guidelines:
The long-term care plan can be presented as a written paper that is 3-4 pages or a powerpoint presentation that is 7-9 slides, with speaker notes. Be sure to justify each of your choices as you move through the plan. “I chose a home health care company because…” Regardless of submission type, you must format according to APA Guidelines including in-text citations and a reference page.
FACHCA, S.C.M.H. L. (2020). Pratt’s Long-Term Care (5th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.
pgs. 383-410