this is for a class on the social vulnerability of to natural disasters
write a half to one-page summary of the journal article i selected.
Finally, write a page response to the article detailing your opinion and thoughts on the
paper (rubric is posted on Canvas). Do not use personal pronouns.
1. Statement of the problem: What is the research problem? What is the author investigating?
2. Literature Review: What reference does the author make to previous research on this topic? Discuss the previous research findings that are mentioned in the article.
3. Variables: What are the major variables in the study? What are the specific issues being investigated?
4. Hypothesis/Hypotheses or Research Question: What is the major hypothesis of the study? OR what is the specific research question being investigated?
5. Research Design:
Sample: Who are the specific individuals included in the study? How many individuals were included in the study? What were the sampling techniques?
Research Method: What method(s) was used for collecting the data? When and where was the data collected? Who collected the data?
6. Analysis: What type of statistical analysis was used? How was the data analyzed? (you may not understand all of the information in the section on statistical analysis, therefore, you may have some quoting in this section). Were tables presented in the results? What was contained in these tables?
7. Conclusions: What conclusions were drawn from this study? Are the hypotheses supported? If the hypotheses are not supported is there an explanation for this deviation?
8. Personal Response: Does the study appear to be thoroughly planned? How could this study be improved? You may mention the criticism that the author/researcher discusses BUT you will also want to think about other ways in which you think the study could be improved).