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This PowerPoint presentation is based on the assignment that I uploaded (Startin

This PowerPoint presentation is based on the assignment that I uploaded (Starting the Research Proposal) This PowerPoint presentation should help you to organize your thoughts around your project and clarify how you will be approaching the design. I have attached an example of how the PowerPoint Presentation should look, this was given to us by my professor. I also attached the grading rubic.
Provide a PowerPoint presentation of five -six slides:
1) Title page: Name of study
2) Identification of Problem and hypothesis
3) Aim/ Purpose and research question
4 & 5 ) Proposed Methodology Design, setting, sample and data to be collected.
6) References
Below is what I uploaded for my first module for this class. This is what this Research Proposal should follow.
Use of Sequential Compression Device (SCD) and early ambulation in patients after surgery to reduce DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis).
Big Problem: Without the use of SCDs and early ambulation after surgery, patients are at substantial risk for developing DVTs (Deep Vein Thrombosis) and eventually PE which can be very deadly.
Current Discrepancy: All patients should have proper teaching post op on the importance of using SCDs, but patients have poor compliance with the use of SCDs as well as early ambulation. Their reasons are, it is usually too tight, it is uncomfortable, and it wakes them up from their sleep. With early ambulation, their complaints are dizziness, nausea, and increased pain.
4 Facts:
Patient compliance with sequential compression devices (SCDs), a form of mechanical VTE prophylaxis, has been a focus of efforts to improve patient safety.
Most studies reported a reduction in venous thromboembolism events with either implementation of an ambulation protocol or promotion of ambulation.
Mechanical devices, such as SCDs, are the first choice for VTE prophylaxis. These methods are as efficacious and reduce risk as much as pharmacologic methods, without causing bleeding complications.

Enhancing patient outcomes with sequential compression device therapy

The most common reasons for non-compliance on the first observation in the morning on post-operative day 1 was that no machine was present; followed by the SCDs not being replaced; SCDs bothering or being uncomfortable; and the machine not being turned on or restarted.
Research question:
Are patients who receive pre-operative education on use of Sequential Compression Devices less likely to have Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) after surgery?

The post This PowerPoint presentation is based on the assignment that I uploaded (Startin first appeared on Elite Writers.

The post This PowerPoint presentation is based on the assignment that I uploaded (Startin appeared first on Elite Writers.

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