Assignment Task
You are required to research a current technology or topic directly related to networking, then write an academic paper that analyses the requirements of a deployment of the technology, then designs the deployment and includes a plan for implementation.
To provide students with in-depth understanding of the concepts and procedures used in requirements analysis, design, and installation of computer and communication networks.
What is needed
Maintain a record of any use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) while getting ideas for this assignment. This record will be used to write your ‘AI Statement’ to be submitted at the same time as your assignment. Note that you must not include sections of text written by AI software. Everything in your assignment must be written in your own
Choose a topic in Network Management and an example of a computer network, either actual or fictional. This is referred to as your ‘Specific Topic’ and must be entered in the appropriate location in Moodle and approved by your lecturer.
You are required to research your Specific Topic in both the mainstream media and academic journals.
Your paper must research to show you understand your chosen topic in
A range of technology options should be researched. For each option outline the design characteristics This section should identify common and unique characteristics of each option. Relevant network management protocols should be identified.
Monitoring strategies and tools should be
You should use the example of a network you are familiar with (either actual or fictional) to describe the design and monitoring environment of a network.
Use the concept and process of Flow Analysis (McCabe etc) define and diagram the flows inherent in the network you have described.
Your paper should include a summary that clearly shows that your options selected, and concepts described are consistent with current academic research outcomes.
AI Statement
This will be a separate document submitted to Moodle before the due date. It must specify:
What AI software (if any) you used in preparing your This might include, but is not limited to, Grammarly and Bing grammar assistance.
Generative AI is software that provides an answer to a specific You can use Generative AI to get ideas for your assignment, but you must write the assignment in your own words. Your AI Statement must include a copy of all text provided by Generative AI software, but text in your assignment must be written by you. The most used software in the category is ChatGPT, but there are others.
Some people will find it helpful to get started on the assignment by asking a question of a generative AI service. It is expected that you will include any answers in your AI Statement and show that you understand material which you write in your assignment by using your own words, and providing quality references to support any statements you make. AI can be used to help gather information, but you must analyse it and show your understanding.
AI detection tools will be used to analyse each assignment. If the marker is suspicious of the source of any particular text, further action will be taken to ensur all applicable rules have been followed.
Topic Selection
There is a ‘Specific Topic’ discussion forum in Moodle for use with this
You are required to choose a specific topic you would like to research and write about in this course. During the first two weeks of the course, create a new ‘Discussion Topic’ naming your Write a brief summary (about words) of your topic and post it as a ‘reply’ to your discussion topic.