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Your local municipal council has decided to build a new community-based early education setting that will be called the “Wominjeka Children’s Centre”, with a focus on bringing ‘contemporary best practice’ in Early Childhood Ed

Assignment 1: Report Word limit: 2800 (+/- 10%) Weighting: 60% You are required to write a report, based on the following scenario: Your local municipal council has decided to build a new community-based early education setting that will be called…

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Begin your main post with your current thesis statement so that your peers understand the direction of your argument. Starting with the 3 main points from your outline in the Unit 6 IP and drawing in your work in Units 2, 3, 4, and 5, write 1 paragraph for each of the three main points, for a total of 3 body paragraphs. Incorporate evidence from at least 3 sources from the AIU Librar

Assignment DetailsUnit 7 – Discussion Board (60 points)Due: Tue, Jul 16 |DescriptionIn your own words, answer this unit’s discussion questions in a main post (minimum 200 words), and respond to at least two peers’ postings (minimum 75 words each).Assignment DetailsIntroductionBy…

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Tim Okamura is a Japanese Canadian artist who makes realist portraits, oil painting and using spray painted graffiti as well. In the painting titled, “I Love Your Hair”, he found new subjects to use for this mixture of realism and graffiti art. This painting has an African American woman posing with an afro, with the text “I Love Your Hair” in the background. I believe Tim Okamura used his painting to resist again

1. Tim Okamura is a Japanese Canadian artist who makes realist portraits, oil painting and using spray painted graffiti as well. In the painting titled, “I Love Your Hair”, he found new subjects to use for this mixture of realism…

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How has social media impacted your “cyber” self? Discuss the pros and cons of using social media to create connections. Do you think it is easier to be vulnerable with others through a digital platform like Facebook vs. in-person 2. Take th

1. How has social media impacted your “cyber” self? Discuss the pros and cons of using social media to create connections. Do you think it is easier to be vulnerable with others through a digital platform like Facebook vs. in-person2.…

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Is the writer neutral, or does the writer advance a particular point of view or perspective? Explain your answer by referring to specific examples from the source. As you answer this question, look at why this source was written and consider its main idea.

My research question: What lessons from women’s struggles for equality in the past can help inform current and future women’s rights issues?My key words: Women struggle for equality, women’s rights issue,Please use this secondary source 1 onlyDebra Michals (Editor). 2015.…

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How has social media impacted your “cyber” self? Discuss the pros and cons of using social media to create connections. Do you think it is easier to be vulnerable with others through a digital platform like Facebook vs. in-person 2. Take the

1. How has social media impacted your “cyber” self? Discuss the pros and cons of using social media to create connections. Do you think it is easier to be vulnerable with others through a digital platform like Facebook vs. in-person2.…

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After meeting with Charlotte and Madeleine, you have some concerns and decide that you must provide them with detailed written advice on how to proceed with each of the matters below. To help the reader, please make use of headings and assessment criteria references to signpost the assessm

Task After meeting with Charlotte and Madeleine, you have some concerns and decide that you must provide them with detailed written advice on how to proceed with each of the matters below. To help the reader, please make use of…

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ABX was an organisation founded in 1920 by a family who owned and managed it through the generations. Three months ago, ABX was bought out by a large public limited company called CAPITAL@ and the family ties to the business were cut. CAPITAL@ are well known for innovative approaches in using technology, managi

INTRODUCING ASSESSMENT BRIEF CMI 603 Being equipped with the knowledge, skills and behaviours to manage and lead in a variety of organisational settings is essential if an individual and their organisation are to succeed. Assessment brief CMI 603 has been designed…

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