Assignment Task
In this Assessment you are expected to develop and deliver live a 10 minute presentation on a contemporary policy issue (different to the issue you researched for Assessment 2) and answer questions pertaining to the presentation.
Unit Learning Outcomes Alignment
ULO2: Develop their own arguments on policy issues and critically evaluate other arguments
ULO3: Articulate their policy ideas in a convincing manner and respond to questions to specialist and non-specialist audiences
ULO4: Suggest possible solutions to complex contemporary public policy problems
Graduate Learning Outcomes Alignment
GA 1.2: UC graduates communicate effectively ·
GA 2.4: UC graduates communicate effectively in diverse cultural and social settings
Background (why am I doing this?)
Throughout this unit you have gained experience in analysis of contemporary policy issues. This assessment is an opportunity to develop and demonstrate your competency in analysis and effective presentation of your policy response to a specific audience.
Instructions (what do I have to do?)
Choose a contemporary policy issue; NOT the same as the one on which you wrote your research essay. (You can email the convenor if you are unsure about whether you proposed topic is suitable.)
Develop a 10 minute presentation making the case for a policy response. Assume you have successfully persuaded your management and the minister, and they have asked you to prepare a video podcast to convince the community about the policy.
The presentation should use some PowerPoint slides, which you will also upload to the Canvas site as per the deadline displayed in the table above. (No fixed number of words or slides.)
Deliver the presentation live (via video link in week 5 or 6 at a time negotiated with your unit convenor) to your class and/or convenor assuming they are the community that needs to be brought on board with your new policy. The live presentation will be recorded for moderation purposes.
You will answer questions from the class and/or the convenor on the presentation.
The last slide of your presentation should contain a list of your references