Assignment Task
In This Continuous Assessment, you are being asked to select a company to analyze as part of a developing case study. The overall case study investigates the sustainable practices and development of the chosen company and its related industry.
There are a number of parts to this assessment which are detailed below.
Each of these parts details a specific aspect of the company and its relation to sustainability.
1. Describe the organisation you have chosen.
Discuss what they do how long they have been active, revenue cost, employees are they global or an SME? What is it about this company that has made you select them?
2. What are the current sustainable pressures facing your chosen company and its industry?
Identify where the salient pressures are, highlighting the impacts that are being had within the business and its larger supply chain.
Using examples and statistics discuss in detail the effects of these pressures to the business.
3. How is the business leading or lagging in regards to sustainable development?
Discuss the ways in which the business is leading/lagging in the sustainable space?
In conjunction with Q1 information discuss how the business is tackling, failing to tackle the pressures that the business and industry is facing.
Discuss the innovations that are being developed in the industry and critique the effectiveness of these.
4. Using the sustainability development goals select at least two SDGs that are being used industry-wide and apply them to the chosen business. (your selection must include one environmental and one social SDG).
Discuss how each of the selected SDG’s do/could work within the business.
Highlight the changes that would need to be made throughout the supply chain and critique the impacts these changes could have one the business. Think about social economic and environmental impacts.
Discuss the ethical issues that should be considered when implementing/not implementing the SDG’s
Explore if there are any regulations nationally/internationally that are in place or being drafted to tackle issues around the SDG’s that you have chosen
5. Explore ways in which green washing may have occurred within the larger industry.
What was the main issues within the example, explain the incident in detail?
What reactions were seen from consumers of business partners?
How is the industry moving to a more transparent form of marketing that satisfies customers/partners?
What are the ethical ramifications for these actions?
6. Explore the changes that are required for the business and industry at large to become more sustainable.
Think about all aspects of sustainability, social, economic, environmental, what are the benefits and drawbacks to the larger industry.
How is/might your organisation tackling drawbacks and leveraging the benefits?
How are the changes benefitting the supply chain as a whole?
What recommendations would you deliver if you were to advise on necessary sustainable deliverables for the organisation.