1. Draw an “activity on arrow” and an “activity on node” diagram for each of the following situations:
a. Task K depends on Task A and Task B.
b. Task K and Task L depend on Task A and Task B.
c. Task K depends on Tasks A and B and Task L depends only on Task B.
d. Task K depends only on Task A, but Task L depends on both Tasks A and B.
e. Task K depends on Task A and C and Task L depends on Task B and C
2. Draw “activity on arrow” and “activity on node” diagrams to show the following. Coffee is made by pouring water which has just been boiled through a charged filter. Milk is heated and added to the filtered coffee and the resulting white coffee is served.
Assume that initially both the water and the milk are cold and that the filter is charged.
Use the following activities:
A – Boil water
B – Heat milk
C – Pour water through filter
D – Remove filter
E – Add milk to coffee
F – Serve white coffee
3. A pattern of trenches has to be planned, marked out, dig and filled with concrete made from dry ingredients which are to be collected in the correct quantities from another location. The activities involved together with their duration and manpower are as follows:
a. Draw an “activity on arrow” and an “activity on node” network of the project and determine the critical path and minimum time it will take to complete the project.
b. Construct a bar chart and determine the manpower requirements throughout the project.
c. Assuming that the digging equipment was taken in error by the vehicle collecting the concrete material. Draw another “activity on arrow” diagram to show the affect this would have on the completion of the project.
4. A vehicle is to be inspected and then have its engine replaced. The new engine must be ordered and transport arranged to collect it from the stores section. The same transport must then be used to return the old engine, provided it has been drained and packed, to the stores section. A receipt document is required to certify the return of the old engine which must then be combined with the job card certifying completion of the fitting of the new engine before the vehicle will be accepted for out-inspection. The main activities and their durations are:
Complete the network below and determine:
a. The earliest time for completion of the project. Show total float where applicable.
b. The critical path and activities.
Redraw the network to show the effect of extending the time to arrange transport for the new engine to five hours.
5. A gantry is to be built on the side of a steep hill as shown below.
a. After installing foundations for the identical towers A and B, a plinth has to be erected for tower B to compensate for the hill slope. On completion of the plinth a sighting is taken from its top to determine the height of base to be constructed for tower A to ensure final levelling. The foot of each tower is clamped in position by a series of securing plates fitted to base A and the plinth.
b. The activities to be considered with their estimated duration and manpower requirements are:
c. Produce an “activity on arrow” network for the project identifying the critical path and determine the minimum duration of the project in days. Show total float and free float on your network.
d. Produce a tabulated, job oriented, analysis of the network
e. Produce a bar chart representation of the network and a resource diagram for the project.
f. What will be the effect if the digging of foundation A (activity B) was extended to
i. 6 Days
ii. 8 days
If the maximum number of men available on any day was six, could the project be completed in the minimum time determined in part d assuming the digging of foundation A took the two days scheduled.