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evaluate theories of reading

HD Exemplary (mark)
D Excellent (mark)
CR Proficient (mark)
P Sound (mark)

F Unresolved (mark)

Criterion 1

16 marks Discuss and evaluate theories of reading and identify salient features to inform your teaching of reading relevant to the children in the data set provided.

Demonstrates a thoughtful, sophisticated, and critical understanding of theories.

The ideas are excellently explained and there is a very high level of relevance to the children in the data set.

13 – 16 marks

Demonstrates high level of critical understanding of theories.

The ideas are very well explained and there is a high level of relevance to the children in the data set.

11-12.5 marks

Demonstrates clear understanding of theories of reading.

The ideas are well explained and there is appropriate relevance to the children in the data set.

9-10.5 marks

Demonstrates an adequate but partial understanding of understanding of theories of reading. Some ideas may be general and not wel developed or not clearly explained how they are related to the children in the data set.

8 -8.5 marks

Limited, inaccurate, or very superficial understanding of the theories of reading. There is frequent incorrect, imprecise, incoherent, general and/or vague descriptions and explanations related to the children in the data set.

0-8 marks

Criterion 2

22 marks Plan a systematic sequence of effective teaching, learning and assessment, based on your theory knowledge and your understanding of what is effective teaching and learning. It is based on a given data set to cater for a diverse group of children in the early

years including EALD and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students.

Address the following areas:

R eading for pleasure

R eading for meaning

R eading for accuracy

R eading for fluency and expression (prosody)

Your plan for teaching, learning and assessment i outstanding in its design, sequence of effective teaching, learning and assessment. It is comprehensive in teaching reading explicitly and i highly relevant to the data set.

You have designed a plan for reading for pleasure meaning, accuracy, fluency, and expression that is extensive, engaging, and rigorous.

Your plan of learning is an exemplar and caters well for student diversity.

17.5-22 marks

Your plan for teaching, learning and assessment i very well designed in its sequence of effective teaching, learning and assessment.

You have designed a plan for reading for pleasure meaning, accuracy, fluency, and expression that is engaging and rigorous.

Your plan caters well for student diversity.

15.5-17 marks

Your plan for teaching, learning and assessment highly satisfactory

You have designed a plan for reading for pleasure meaning, accuracy, fluency, and expression that is highly satisfactory.

Your plan does contain aspects which cater for student diversity.

13-15 marks

Your plan for teaching, learning and assessment i satisfactory.

You have designed a plan for reading for pleasure meaning, accuracy, fluency, and expression that is satisfactory

Your plan needed to address some of the elements for effective teaching.

Your plan may not have catered well for student diversity.

11.5-12.5 marks

Your plan for teaching, learning and assessment i underdeveloped.

Under-developed learning and teaching plan to cater for reading for pleasure, meaning, accuracy, fluency, and expression

Little evidence of creating an effective teaching and learning plan and needed to address some of the elements for effective teaching and catering for student diversity.

0-11 marks

Criterion 3

16 marks Explain and justify how you will apply the salient features you have identified in part 1 to enhance reading for a diverse group of children in the early years including EALD and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students.

Address children’s reading across different texts in the following areas:

R eading for pleasure

R eading for meaning

R eading for accuracy

R eading for fluency and expression (prosody)

Accurate, thoughtful, and nuanced explanation and justification of the application

13 – 16 marks

Accurate, thoughtful, and appropriate use of concepts and ideas drawn from the unit and readings to identify practices to support the research.

11-12.5 marks

Mostly accurate and appropriate use of concepts and ideas drawn from the unit and readings. Ther may be some lack of clarity in places to identify practices to support the research.

9–10.5 marks

While an attempt is made to engage with concepts and ideas drawn from the unit and readings, there is vagueness, generalisation, inaccuracy and lack of clarity and coherence to identify practices to support the research.

8 -8.5 marks

Demonstrates inaccurate and very limited engagement with and understanding of concepts and ideas of the unit and readings to identify practices to support the research

0-8 marks

Criterion 4

6 marks Transcriptional elements of writing

Essentially free from spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. Fluent sentence and paragrap construction.4.5- 6 marks
Generally free from spelling, grammar, and punctuation,errors.Sentences and paragraphs are well-formed.4 marks
Occasional minor spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. Sentences and paragraphs are generally coherent.3.5 marks
Frequent minor spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. Some awkward construction o sentences and paragraphs.3 marks
Frequent and seriousspelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. Awkward or poor sentence an paragraph construction. 0-2.5 marks


No marks Achievement in relation to career goals

Demonstrates extensive knowledge and understanding of the following: how development affects student learning, literacy curriculum content, interpretation of assessment data, development of effective and inclusive teaching strategies and sequences, setting effective, achievable, challenging, and differentiated learnin goals linked children’s needs and use of appropriate resources.
Demonstrates effective knowledge and understanding of the following: how development affects student learning, literacy curriculum content, interpretation of assessment data, development of effective and inclusive teaching strategies and sequences, setting effective, achievable, challenging, and differentiated learnin goals linked children’s needs and use of appropriate resources.
Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of the following: how development affects student learning, literacy curriculum content, interpretation of assessment data, development of effective and inclusive teaching strategies and sequences, setting effective, achievable, challenging, and differentiated learning goals linked children’s needs and use of appropriate resources
Demonstrates some knowledge and understanding of the following: how development affects student learning, literacy curriculum content, interpretation of assessment data, development of effective and inclusive teaching strategies and sequences, setting effective, achievable, challenging, and differentiated learnin goals linked children’s needs and use of appropriate resources
Does not demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the following: how development affects student learning, literacy curriculum content, interpretation of assessment data, development of effective and inclusive teaching strategies and sequences, setting effective, achievable, challenging, and differentiated learnin goals linked children’s needs and use of appropriate resources


Acting honestly, ethically and fairly is taken very seriously in the University and relates to the way you work with others and share information, conduct relevant research, incorporate evidence, acknowledge the ideas and work of others (which includes using APA referencing conventions correctly), and present your work. Breaches are reported and can lead to penalties. Refer to Curtin’s Academic Integrity webpage, which provides comprehensive information and guidance. https://students.curtin.edu.au/essentials/rights/ academic-integrity/

As best ascertained, you are undertaking your studies ethically; exploring relevant research and situating your own ideas within the academic discourse; and using APA7 conventions consistently and precisely to reflect this.
As best ascertained, you are undertaking your studies ethically, including ensuring that the ideas of others gained from your reading and research are acknowledged by correctly using APA7 paraphrasing, quoting and referencing conventions.
As best ascertained, you are undertaking your studies ethically, including ensuring that the ideas of others gained from your reading and research are acknowledged by correctly using APA7 paraphrasing, quoting and referencing conventions.
As best ascertained, you are undertaking your studies ethically, including applying APA7 paraphrasing, quoting and referencing convention to acknowledge ideas of others gained from your reading and research; however, some minor errors indicate you need to be more vigilant about doing this accurately and consistently.

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