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Examine and summarize why employees are fearful of Provide at least three (3) examples of employee fears of change. Examine and explore at least two different change management For each model, summarize each model a

Assignment Task

Your team has won the contract to plan, oversee, execute the digital transformation at a textile/clothing and accessories organization that has about 200 employees across two cities. The CEO believes that the first task is to bring awareness of the transformation to the entire company and create a sense of urgency to adapt to the new change. As with all capital intensive I.T. projects, there needs to be research and understanding of how this project will impact the department, organization, customers, and every other stakeholder. There needs to be a vision and a plan, and how the transformation will be managed including any potential roadblocks and how to mitigate them.

Part 1

The research for this paper will help you to understand the importance of change management in the digital transformation process.

Using the links found in Week 3: Agile Project Management, Change Management in Digital Transformation, read the articles and watch the various videos. Using these as your starting point, your paper will examine the importance of change management and various change management models.

The paper will:

  1. Examine and summarize why employees are fearful of Provide at least three (3) examples of employee fears of change.
  2. Examine and explore at least two different change management For each model, summarize each model and include a diagram of each model.
  3. From your examination of the fears that employees have for change in point 1, explain how either of the two change models selected in point 2 will alleviate those fears.
  4. Summarize why change management is needed in digital Justify your reasons.

Part 2 

Before carrying out any transformation, the CEO wants to understand what technology trends exist today and how they are utilized in various organizations (i.e., business sizes – small, medium, large enterprises etc.). The textile company has its main office building in one city and a factory in another where they manufacture clothes and luxury accessories such as handbags. The company uses traditional ways of manufacturing and getting their products to the customer that involve intensive manual and unskilled labor.

As a member of the team, you will assess and provide an analysis on current Information and Communication Technology (ICT) trends that businesses might use for each type of organization size (Large, Medium, and Small). Provide a report that summarizes and analyzes possible ICT trends for different companies dealing with different products and services (not necessarily textile). You may use the following matrix as your guide.

Part 3 

In the form of a video presentation, create a single cohesive video that could be used to convince the CEO and other stakeholders of the value of these emerging technologies. You also need to highlight which of these technologies would be suitable for the textile company. The video should not exceed 6 mins.


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