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how you fit into this universe. Then write a 1500-word essay entitled: The Meaning of My Being. I need this assignment by 10pm May 10! Today

No citations, no resources This final is designed to make you think. You won’t be graded upon your conclusion, but you will be graded upon your thinking process. Think. Don’t merely restate something told to you by someone who was told something by someone, etc., etc., etc. That isn’t thinking; it is merely repeating. All religions create beliefs or what I call their mantras. Their beliefs are repeated over and over again. For example, some religions claim that the Earth is the center of the universe, creation took six days, women are second-class people, LGBTs are sinners, and their particular religion is the one true religion.

The post how you fit into this universe. Then write a 1500-word essay entitled: The Meaning of My Being. I need this assignment by 10pm May 10! Today appeared first on learnedwriters.

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