I uploaded the document that you are going to this essay on, use that only. You are to read, summarize, and critique a scholarly article that is related to Psychology. The article cannot be from a newspaper, magazine, or online blog. It must come from a library database and a scholarly journal that includes either quantitative or qualitative information or research. Visit the APA Article Review Instructions and Resources Module for additional help.
The first page of your APA Article review will be the title page. Please see the sample article reviews located in the APA Article Review Instructions and Resources Module. Your title page should look like this except you create a title related to the subject of the article you are reviewing, use your name, and use your college (). Don’t forget to include the “Running head” in your title page header.
On the second page of your APA Article Review, you can begin to write your summary of the article you are reviewing. Carefully read the article you have selected, take notes for your own reference so that you can briefly summarize what it is about using your own words. Be sure to identify the article’s main topic (depression, addiction, self-esteem, etc) as well as the population it focuses on (females, teenagers, fathers, college students, English learners, people with developmental disabilities, etc). The summary portion of your APA Article review should include in-text citations, referencing the article you are reviewing in APA format. See the sample article review for examples on what that should look like. You should include an in-text citation at the end of any sentence that includes information from the article or that you did not come up with on your own (information that is not common knowledge) such as statistics and definitions. Do not put an in-text citation after every sentence. The majority of this summary should be in YOUR OWN WORDS.
For the next part of your review, you should reflect on and evaluate the article. Please make sure to answer the following questions:
Is this a summary of research or simply an informational article?
Does this research or informational article have any importance to students of the field of psychology? To the general public?
What is its importance?
How could the author improve the article?
Are you inspired to read more about this subject matter? Why or why not?
The very last page of your APA Article Review should be the reference page. Please see the sample article reviews located in the APA Article Review Instructions and Resources Module. . Your reference page should be in APA format and should look exactly like the one in the sample article review except should reference the article you selected to review and any other resources you used to write your review. ________________________________________________________
The topic of your article
The topic of this article is Associations between individual cognitive factors, mode of exposure, and depression symptoms in practitioners working with aversive crime material.
The author/s
The authors are Duran, Fazeelat, and Woodhams, Jessica (AUTHOR)
The publication year
This article was published in 2023
What variables are studied in this article?
The variables that are studied in this article are exposure to traumatic material through auditory and visual means, belief in a just world, mental imagery, thought suppression, age, gender, marital status, previous exposure to trauma, years of experience in the current role, and dosage of exposure to traumatic material across a typical week.
What population of people does this article focus on?
This article focuses on practitioners employed in police and law enforcement organizations in the UK, Europe, and Canada.
How is this article related to psychology?
This article is related to Psychology because it talks about the risk factors associated with depression among practitioners who are exposed to lousy crime material.
Why did you select this article?
I selected this article because I myselfam writing a research paper about factors that leaded to burnout in correctional nurses, and tho its not exactly similarly, it has similarities that’s why it interested me.