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Name: _____________________________ ANTH1000W: Writer’s Checklist Instructions: Provide a Yes (Y) or No

Name: _____________________________

ANTH1000W: Writer’s Checklist

Instructions: Provide a Yes (Y) or No (N) next to the lines for each task.

Example: __Y__ Times new roman, 12 pt

In each section, if you have a No (N) next to one of the lines for a task, please type in your explanation for why they are checked as No or indicate that the item is not applicable.

Example: __N/A__


___ Name
___ Date
___ Paper title or Assignment name

___ Class title

___ Professor’s name

___ 1” margins

___ Times new roman, 12 pt

___ Page number in the footer

___ Double spaced

___ Left aligned

___ Letter spacing normal

___ New paragraphs indented

___ No extra spacing between paragraphs

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___ Clearly includes an introduction, body, and conclusion

___ Clear topic sentences for each paragraph

___ Clear transition between paragraphs

___ 3+ sentences for a paragraph

___ Flow of body paragraphs is logically organized (check: reading only topic sentences
produces a clear summary of the entire paper)

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___ Engaging introduction that previews the structure of the paper and includes thesis

___ Clear and concise thesis states the paper’s argument in a single sentence (e.g. “I argue ___.”)

___ Body: develops argument with 3+ main points, one paragraph per point

___ Evidence: uses specific examples, cases, and/or quotes to support each main point

___ Conclusion = restates the thesis + significance. No new information.

___ Effective use of quotes: introduce and discuss in your own words, not overused

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Mechanics and Usage

___ Write with a formal/academic tone (e.g. Avoid words such as “things” and “stuff”)

___ Choose 1st or 3rd person and stay with it throughout the paper

___ Write out digits under 10; write out digits if they are the first word in a sentence

___ Write out contractions (‘do not’ instead of ‘don’t’)

___ No run-on sentences

___ No fragments (hint: Do not start a sentence with “and,” “but”, or “which”)

___ Appropriate use of commas

___ Spellcheck

___ No passive voice or tense switching

___ Concise writing style (cut all unnecessary or confusing words)

___ No ethnocentric language

___ No generalization, exaggeration, or vague quantities (e.g. lots of people)

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Citations and Quotes

___ Works Cited page: Starts on new page with centered title (Works Cited)

___ Citations are alphabetized

___ Citations are single-spaced, with a blank line between entries

___ Period at the end of each citation

___ Each entry has a hanging indent

___ In-text citations are formatted correctly: “quote” (author date, page number).

___ Block quotes if longer than 4 lines: indent the passage and remove quotation marks, use
brackets instead of parentheses for citation [author date: page number]

___ Every citation has an entry on the works cited page

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