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Objective: This assignment, in accordance with undergraduate academic endeavors,

This assignment, in accordance with undergraduate academic endeavors,
provides an opportunity to evaluate assimilation of course topics, and
sharpen and evaluate students’ research & critical thinking skills.
Type: This assignment consists of a research-analysis paper of at least four pages in length, double-spaced (This
page count does not include a title page, abstract (optional), table of
contents (optional), Reference listing page(s), or end-notes page(s)
(if used)). The source material should result primarily from self-led
research of the required texts and readings from this course. The paper
should have approximately four pages of content which are the written
results of your research efforts.
Topic: Choose two of the following questions/issues, and write approximately 2 pages on each question/issues that you select:
– Compare and contrast U.S. Counterintelligence to that of a foreign country’s counterintelligence security services.
– What are the lasting ramifications of a past Counterintelligence operation (such as COINTELPRO, VENONA, etc.)?
– Is the current state of counterintelligence in the Intelligence Community adequate? Why or why not?

Explain the responsibility of counterintelligence in a major
Intelligence failure. Examples might include: Pearl Harbor, the Bay of
Pigs Invasion, Tet Offensive 1968, the Yom Kippur War, or 9/11.

Discuss specific challenges to one type of counterintelligence that may
not apply to other types of counterintelligence (national security,
military, law enforcement, business, private).
Format: Your paper requires a Title page, citations, and a References list. Your paper should be in the Chicago style.

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This assignment, in accordance with undergraduate academic endeavors,
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