Assignment Task
The first part of the assessment is designed to facilitate your professional learning about how children develop their understanding of mathematics. This incorporates analysis of and reporting on the MAI case study, understanding the role of assessment, the mathematical growth points and curriculum documents. The second part focuses on using assessment for research informed planning of teaching and learning activities for the classroom.
The Mathematics Assessment Interview (MAI) is a useful tool for assessing students’ mathematical knowledge and understanding, particularly in the early years of primary school. (It may also be utilised in the middle and upper years based on the students’ needs.) The MAI is task-based, interactive and enables progress to be measured in nine mathematical domains against a research-based framework of growth points. The MAI incorporates assessment for learning as teachers gain insights into the strategies used, student achievement in relation to points of growth and the responses inform planning for teaching and learning.
This assessment will focus on the four whole number domains in the MAI: Section A Counting; Section B Place Value; Section C Addition and Subtraction, and Section D Multiplication and Division.
As a future educator effective practice incorporates research-informed planning of teaching and learning which address the needs of the students. It is important to understand both the subject content and pedagogical approaches.
Assessment Task Preparation
You will find everything you require on CloudDeakin in the Assessment 1 folder and the weeks 1-3 learning material and seminars will scaffold the learning.
Before you begin the assessment task.
Access and familiarise yourself with the Mathematics Assessment Interview (MAI) Information and Script book.
Download the MAI record sheet.
Watch the recording of MAI interview to familiarise yourself with the process.
Examine the Early Number Research Project (ENRP) growth points.
Access the ACARA Numeracy Learning Continuum
Access the MAI Mapping Tool
Engage with the associated readings.
Access the research-informed teaching and learning sites to assist in selecting high-quality tasks.
Watch the Assignment 1 Unpacking recording.
Section 1: Mathematical knowledge
Watch the recording of the student and use the MAI record sheets to document the strategies and responses in Section A Counting; Section B Place Value; Section C Addition and Subtraction, and Section D Multiplication and Division.
For the student provide detailed annotations on the MAI record sheets noting the key strategies. (See Unpacking recording exemplar.) Your annotations should:
Demonstrate engagement with the Early Number Research Project ENRP growth points, MAI Mapping Tool and coursework readings to address the students’ strategies and responses. Correct mathematical terminology should be used.
Section 2: Report on mathematical knowledge
Report on the growth point achieved in each domain Section A Counting; Section B Place Value; Section C Addition and Subtraction, and Section D Multiplication and Division for the student. Discuss the strategies, understandings and misunderstandings drawing on coursework material/academic readings. Outline a mathematical focus in the context of the Victorian Curriculum. (See Unpacking recording exemplar.)
The report should:
Address the Early Number Research Project (ENRP) growth point achieved in each of the four number domains for the student drawing on the annotated MAI
record sheets.
Discuss the strategies, key understandings, and possible misunderstandings citing coursework material and academic literature. Identify a mathematical focus for the student in each of the four domains making links to the Victorian Curriculum.
Section 3: Planning for teaching and learning, challenging and engaging tasks
Draw on the range of high-quality mathematics education sources provided including the Unit text, recommended texts (from the reading list) and high-quality mathematics education resources provided under “Resources for learning activities” in the Assessment 1 folder. Select one task for each of the four domains Section A Counting; Section B Place Value; Section C Addition and Subtraction, and Section D Multiplication and Division that will address the
mathematical focus identified in section 2.
(You will have four tasks overall – see the template.)
A brief description of the task. Include the source of the task and a brief justification why the task is high-quality. The relevant Victorian Curriculum links that identify mathematical connections.
The mathematical focus i.e., What are the important mathematical ideas the student will learn and what are the possible misconceptions the task might
The learning goal/s for each task. These should embed the proficiencies and conceptual understanding.
Suggested pedagogies such as appropriate models and representations, concrete/digital materials, and fostering collaboration and discussion.
Suggestions for task modifications that include at least one enabling and one extending prompt.
Section 4: Academic literacy
This assignment is to be presented to a professional standard, with a coherent structure, spelling, grammar, and correct use of punctuation. Coursework readings and further academic literature must be cited. APA7 referencing should be used.
Submission of assignment
Referencing the MAI Information and Script Book?
First time cited = (Australian Catholic University, 2018)
Subsequent citations = (ACU, 2018)
Reference list
Australian Catholic University. (2018). Mathematics Assessment Interview. Melbourne, Victoria: Department of Education and Training. How do I reference a child’s response on the MAI Record Sheet?
Simply reference the question number. You do not need the add the full reference to the MAI
For your professional learning. Please note the Mathematics Assessment Interview (MAI) refers to the hardcopy.
The Mathematics Online Interview (MOI) is completed online in schools. The same domains are addressed, and the content is the same