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What is meant by the context and purpose of assessment and how is this considered when developing assessment tools?

Assignment Task

Assessment Information

Competency Being Assessed

This Assessment Kit has been aligned against the following unit of competency from the Training and Education Training Package:

TAEASS502 Design and develop assessment tools

  1. Determine the focus of the assessment tool
  2. Design the assessment tool
  3. Develop the assessment tool
  4. Review and trial the assessment tool

Part 1: Short Answer Questions

Question 1

  • What is meant by the context and purpose of assessment and how is this considered when developing assessment tools?

Question 2

  • List the Principles of Assessment and briefly describe how each is applied when developing Assessment Tools.
  • How would you use the Dimensions of Competency when creating an Assessment Tool?
  • Part 1: Looking at the following components of Training Packages, explain why they are relevant to the development of Assessment Tools.
  • Part 2: For each of the components of a Unit of Competency listed below, describe the information it provides that is used for assessment.
  • What are the principles of reasonable adjustment? How do they apply to the development of a quality Assessment Tool?
  • How they apply in the development of a quality Assessment Tool:
  • What is the role of contextualisation in developing Assessment Tools, and what are the guidelines for doing so?

Questions 3a – 3b

Case Study

Consider the following situation.

Peter is assessing the unit: TLILIC0004 – Licence to operate an order picking forklift. His candidates generally have poor written language skills and difficulty comprehending verbal instructions. The workplace who has sent the staff to you accept their language skills. Peter’s Assessment methods involve:

  • Instrument 1: Verbal questioning
  • Instrument 2: Written knowledge test
  • Instrument 3: Group activity involving forklift operations using a simulator
  • Satisfactory / Not Yet Satisfactory

Question 3a.

Part 1: This Unit of Competency includes some specific licensing and regulatory requirements. Which part of the Unit of Competency tells us what these are, and what are these requirements?

1. In which part of the Unit will we find the licensing regulatory requirements? (Hint: look at the headings in the unit of competency.)

2. What are the licensing regulatory requirements?

Part 2: Peter’s assessment is not Valid. Within the Assessment Conditions of the Unit, we see there are two reasons why this is the case. We have listed one below. What is the other reason why it is not Valid?

Question 3b.

Examine the unit’s requirements and make recommendations for a more suitable combination of instruments through reference to the Principles of Assessment and Rules of Evidence.

  • List the combination of instruments that you recommend Peter use to assess the Unit below.
  • Explain how your list of instruments will meet the Principles of Assessment:
  • How these instruments meet the Rules of Evidence:

Question 4

Case Study

Consider the following situation.

Nigel’s supervisor wishes for him to gain the following unit by RPL: HLTINF001 – Comply with infection prevention and control policies and procedures. The supervisor, Henrietta, tells you that Nigel has been doing this for years. Because she can vouch for him, she is confused when you say that that will not be enough.

Based on your understanding of the Unit of Competency, and of the Principles of Assessment and Rules of Evidence, explain why this will not be enough

Question 5.

Describe the purpose of each of the assessment methods listed below, and give an example of an instrument that could be used to assess a candidate.

Question 6.

List 4 methods for trialing and/or reviewing the quality of Assessment Tools.

Question 7

a. Complete the table below by outlining what the trainer’s workplace health and safety responsibilities are when assessing competence in the steps provided.

b. List three sources of WHS information available to assist with safely assessing competence.

Part 2: The Assessment Tools

This part of the assignment comprises 3 sections. We recommend:

  • Section I
  • Develop and review an Assessment Tool suitable for a Training & Assessment Pathway
  • Section II
  • Develop and review an Assessment Tool suitable for a Recognition Pathway or for a pathway of your choosing
  • Section III
  • Develop and review an Assessment Tool for a pathway of your choosing.

Describe the Situation

1. What Unit of Competency is being assessed in this Assessment Tool?

2. What is the purpose and context of the assessment?

3. What are the benchmarks? Note: You will find these in your Unit of Competency that you have selected to assess. Contact your trainer if you require advice on choosing a Unit of Competency to form the benchmarks from.

4. Who are the target candidates and what specific needs might they have? How would they prefer to be assessed?

5. How will your candidates be able to show recognition of their current competency in this unit if they apply for it?

6. Who else might need to be involved in, or informed of, the assessment?

7. Is there an overriding training and assessment strategy to be followed? How could you find out if there were?

8. Identify and list any need for reasonable adjustment.

9. How have you identified any WHS issues that might impact on your assessment? If required, use the Risk Control template that follows.

10. Are there any industry requirements and/or contextual guidelines that must be considered? How could you find out if there were?

11. Is there anything else that may impact on the assessment?


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