BEFORE you begin this assignment, you should first open, download, read, listen to watch, etc. the Six (6) Documents and Files ATTACHED to Syllabus Items # 3 (Course Overview, Getting Started, Student Resources) & # 4 (Expressive Aim Lecture, Exemplary Expressive Aim Essays by Former Students [two (2) PDFs], Nafisi’s “Mysterious Connections,” Rousseau’s “The End of Childhood,” and a follow-up Sensory Trigger Exercise (to be completed by student, but not submitted)
Writing Assignment # 1
Write a 750 word minimum length EXPRESSIVE ESSAY 1″ margins, Double-Spaced, Paragraphs Indented five spaces, 12 point Times New Roman font) in which you NARRATE and DESCRIBE returning to a memorable place and/or person from your childhood. Important: this must be an actual physical return, not a return-in-memory only. Use as many sensory descriptors – sight, sound, touch, smell, taste – as possible, and explore the differences between then and now, who you were and now are, how the person and/or place has changed and how remained the same, etc., etc