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You want the computer to run Microsoft Office 2013, Office 2016 or Office 365 and Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 10 (NO MAC)

gnment Instructions
Research Assignment Instructions
You work for the IT department at your school and you are tasked with the responsibility of purchasing computers for 2 people at the school who will do record keeping and secretarial work. You job is to research various types of computers on the market and determine two computers that are the best buy for your company. The goal is to compare the two systems by their features and total price, then select which system you will purchase two of for your company.
You are buying 2 new computers
You want the computer to run Microsoft Office 2013, Office 2016 or Office 365 and Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 10 (NO MAC)
You want to make sure you are protected against security threats
You would like a large LCD monitor (17″ or more)
You need a printer
You have a limited budget, and can spend no more than $3000 for everything
Assignment Outline
You will need to decide on two difference computers to present to the school.
Your final products will be:
2 word flyers (one for each computer listing their specifications- basically an ad)
Excel Expense Report- an excel document (details below)
Powerpoint presentation to present the two options to the school
Submit the Assignment on Blackboard
Word Flyers ( one for each computer)
Excel Expense Report
Powerpoint Presentation
Excel Expense Report
Create an expense report in Excel to document how you will spend the $3000.00. You must chose 2 different brands of computers for this project (maybe 1 HP and 1 Dell, but it doesn’t not have to be those brands!).
Start with the Excel Outline provided in the Capstone folder.
Word Flyers
Create Word Flyers to advertise the computers you chose. Include things like a picture, price and information that would make someone want to purchase that computer.
PowerPoint Presentation
Present the two computers to the school by creating a PowerPointpresentation. You must have 5 slides: Title, INSERT Excel Budget, INSERT flyer 1, INSERT flyer 2, final recommendation (which one would you buy and why).
To insert a file into your presentation, go to the insert tab in PowerPoint, click on ‘object’, insert from file and find the file you want to insert ( see video for a more detailed description).

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