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You will examine in greater depth the processes, functioning, and well-being of families based on their forms or configurations, cultural dimensions

You will examine in greater depth the processes, functioning, and well-being of families based on their forms or configurations, cultural dimensions, and developmental tasks across the lifespan.




• First, select a family form/configuration. You will discuss the functioning, well-


being and challenges of these families. Some examples are:


o Single parent o Multigenerational households o Two-parent o Teen parent o Gender-diverse parents o LGBTQ parents or children o Remarried households o Foster or adoptive families


• Next, discuss the cultural dimensions that impact the family form/configuration


you chose. For example, how does race/ethnicity impact the family? What role


does social class play?


• Then, discuss the challenges and strengths of this family form/configuration


across the lifespan. You will need to briefly address each stage of Erikson’s


psychosocial development theory.


• Last, discuss intervention or prevention efforts that would be helpful for your


identified family form/configuration throughout the life cycle. You may even select


different intervention/prevention efforts depending on the life cycle stage of the


family unit.




• Submit a Word document in APA format.


HSV332 – Family Systems Dynamics


Modern Day Families


• Maximum 7 pages in length, excluding the Title and Reference pages.


• At least three scholarly resources, in addition to the course textbook.


Be sure to read the criteria below by which your work will be evaluated before you write and again after you write.


Evaluation Rubric for Modern Day Families Assignment


CRITERIA Deficient Needs Improvement


Proficient Exemplary


0-23 Points 24-31 Points 32-39 Points 40 Points


Structure Well- developed paragraphs, complete sentences, title page, body of work meets requirements, references, followed the example specifically


Organizational structure and paragraphing have serious and persistent errors. Directions were ignored and information provided was insufficient to meet assignment guidelines.


Written work inadequate for college-level work; Paragraphing and transitions are inadequate; inappropriate guidelines outlined for paper were not met with several problems (see directions).


Written work is clear and adequate college-level work; Paragraphing and transitions are adequate; appropriate guidelines outlined for paper were met with a few noted problems (see directions).


Written work is clear and excellent college-level work; Paragraphing and transitions are clear and appropriate; appropriate guidelines outlined for paper were met (see directions).


0-29 Points 30-39 Points 40-49 Points 50 Points


Content Demonstrates knowledge of topics, through discussion of concepts, appropriate integrate of topics on directions; scholarly journal use


Written work does not cover the assigned topic; assertions are not supported by evidence; paper is seriously lacking in content and detail; scholarly journals were not used or used properly.


Written work does not do an adequate job of covering the assigned topic; assertions are weakly supported by evidence; paper is inadequate in meeting the page and content area requirements; less


The length of the written work is sufficient to cover the topic; assertions are supported by evidence; does not meet full required number of pages and content areas. Required number of scholarly journals


The length of the written work provides in- depth coverage of the topics, assertions are clearly supported by evidence; Paper meets required length of pages and content areas; More than the required number of


than the required number of scholarly journals were used.


were used. scholarly journals were used.


0-5 Points 6-7 Points 8-9 Points 10 Points


Mechanics Spelling; grammar; use of APA style


Written work had serious and persistent errors in word selection and use; sentence structure, spelling, grammar, punctuation was inappropriate and with serious errors; APA style was completely unacceptable.


Written work had several major errors in word selection and use; sentence structure, spelling, grammar, punctuation was inappropriate; APA style was unacceptable with a few to multiple errors.


Written work was generally free of errors in word selection and use; sentence structure, spelling, grammar, punctuation was adequate; APA style was acceptable with a few errors.


Written work has no major errors in word selection and use; sentence structure, spelling, grammar, punctuation was appropriate; APA style was acceptable with no to few errors.

You will examine in greater depth the processes, functioning, and well-being of families based on their forms or configurations, cultural dimensions

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