Your role in this presentation is that of the guide, the facilitator or instructor who wishes to communicate insight, understanding or practical knowledge to the audience.
Topic: The topic of this presentation can be selected from a wide range of possibilities, but should be a topic in which you (and hopefully we) are interested. You may select a topic that involves a process, an activity, a structure, an organization, a concept, an object, or a particular way of looking at how/why we conduct our lives the way we do. Good places to find informative topics are: news magazines, environmental magazines, science magazines, etc., and also in your current or previous research projects. Be sure to sufficiently narrow your topic so that there is not too much to cover well in the time you have. Avoid simplistic topics that we already know so very much about: facebook, smart phones, unless you have a deeper analysis to share. Also steer clear of persuasive topics that ask us to judge something as good or bad, or suggest a change in an institutional policy.
Format: Extemporaneous. You will use a speaking outline with word phrases. Do not read off of the outline—you must present extemporaneously to receive credit. Use it to help you keep your place in the speech and to give yourself presentation cues such as pausing or slowing down. Practice this speech well.
effective use of all parts of a presentation, especially introduction and conclusion,
effective organization, including outlining,
effective use of at least one visual aid,
continuing development of effective and dynamic delivery,
the accurate and engaging presentation of an interesting topic.
Sources: 5 credible sources minimum. Be sure that you fully cite your research sources on your outline and in your speech. Sources will appear in a typed bibliography in MLA or APA format at the end of your outline. The sources must be somewhat current, nothing published before 2014, unless it is used as an historical reference. Look at the sample speeches in the book to find some effective methods for orally citing sources.
Outline: The speech must be broken up into at least two but not more than four main points. Each main point must have at least two subpoints. Each subpoint must be supported by at least two supporting materials.
(I chose paraprofessional as the topic)