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Choosing from either ‘risk factors for depression in women’ or ‘risk factors for depression in men’, complete a 2000 word literature review which highlights 5 of the main risk factors for your chosen gender. Key terms: Literature review a summary which highlights the main findings in current published work. It identifies the similarities and differences between sources and in

XGBCYP4142 Research Methods – Essay

Assessment Pack contents:

Short introduction to the task.

Key terms

Key resources

Template to outline structure and content

Rubric to understand marking criteria

Video to explain it.

Short introduction to the task:

Choosing from either ‘risk factors for depression in women’ or ‘risk factors for depression in men’, complete a 2000 word literature review which highlights 5 of the main risk factors for your chosen gender.

Key terms:

Literature review a summary which highlights the main findings in current published work. It identifies the similarities and differences between sources and indicates solutions to a problem

Key Resources:

This sources gives terms that can be used to start sentences that help to link studies together and indicate similarities/differences between findings – click on ‘compare and contrast’ tab

Academic Phrasebank | The University of Manchester


Ethics in Psychiatric Research: Issues and Recommendations (nih.gov)

Identifying Ethical Issues in Mental Health Research with Minors Adolescents: Results of a Delphi Study (nih.gov)



Focus upon:

1. Risk factors for depression in women

2. Risk factors for depression in men

Introduction (LO1)


1.This should provide a background to the key concepts of the topic: such as diagnosis and symptoms.

2.Outline the key ideas that you will then go further into discussing in the literature review: detail the key risk factors you have chosen to focus upon

3.You are required to introduce the purpose of research on this topic: what will be the benefit to identifying risk factors

Literature Review (LO1)


You need to conduct a thorough literature review of the area to appraise the current related work in terms of findings and methods used. Successful literature reviews will compare and contrast previously published work and use multiple peer reviewed academic sources to support your work.


6* Systematic review/Meta-analysis: Review of studies

“A systematic review by Donelly et al., (2016) found that………………………

Solutions: 5* Interventions studies – practical solutions

5* Randomised control trial (Clinical setting)

4* Longitudinal study – report results over a longer period of time

3* cross-section study – one point in time

Identify 5 risk factors and for each, the following structure can be used:

Under each subheading:

1. What did a systematic review say was the reason the risk factor causes depression.

2. Find another study that agrees and says something similar

3. Find a study that indicates different reasons why it is a risk factor

4. Report an intervention study that gives a solution for this risk factor.

Example paragraph

Ethical Considerations (LO2)


You must present a written description of the ethical considerations associated with the topic. You should make use of relevant policy and also the work of previous researchers.

Refer to the two papers and policy document in the resources section and outline the importance of 3 to 4 ethical principles that are key when doing research with individuals who have mental illness

Rubric used to mark:

Marking Feedback 62,65,68

Introduction (15%)

You have demonstrated an outstanding/excellent background to introduce key concepts on the topic (risk factors for depression in women or risk factors for depression in men), for example

You have provided an excellent/outstanding discussion regarding the justification of research on the topic for example

Literature review (45%)

In this essay you demonstrated excellent/outstanding ability to appraise current related work on the 5 key risk factors. For example

You have provided excellent evidence of engagement with relevant literature with good references to empirical literature (e.g., journal articles should include engagement with systematic reviews, randomised control trials, cohort studies and cross-sectional studies provided. For example …

In this essay you have demonstrated outstanding/excellent appraisal of intervention for each risk factor

Ethical considerations (30%)

An excellent/outstanding discussion of research ethics is provided with specific reference made to the topic in question. For example

A strong/robust attempt is made to propose strategies to ensure ethically sound research with reference to appropriate literature. For example

Professional written communication and accurate referencing style (10%)

You have shown high quality /wide range of supporting literatures with references provided with background reading. Inappropriate sources are not used i.e., websites. For example

Harvard referencing style used but with mainly few errors. Academic writing is excellent. The essay is easy to follow and well structured.

Marking Feedback 52,55,58

Introduction (15%)

A good background to introduce key concepts on the topic.

Good discussion provided regarding the justification of research on the topic (risk factors for depression in women or risk factors for depression in men), for example

Literature Review (45%)

You have demonstrated a good ability to appraise current related work for example

You have demonstrated good evidence of engagement with relevant literature but references to empirical literature (e.g. journal articles should include engagement with systematic reviews, randomised control trials, cohort studies and cross sectional studies provided), if/but some of these are lacking. For example

In this essay you have demonstrated a good appraisal of intervention for each risk factor. For example

Ethical considerations (30%)

A good discussion of research ethics is provided with references made to the topic in question. For example

A good attempt is made to propose strategies to ensure ethically sound research with reference to appropriate literature. For example

Professional written communication and accurate referencing style (10%)

You have provided some supporting literature. A reference list is provided with some background reading. Inappropriate sources used occasionally. For example

Harvard referencing style used but with mainly minor errors. Academic writing is satisfactory with some structure. The essay is easy to follow

In future

Marking Feedback 42,45,48

Introduction (15%)

A brief background to introduce some key concepts on the topic.

Brief discussion provided regarding the justification of research on the topic, for example

Literature Review (45%)

Brief demonstration of ability to appraise current related work

Brief evidence of engagement with relevant literature (e.g., journal articles should include engagement with systematic reviews, randomised control trials, cohort studies and cross-sectional studies provided) most of these are lacking. For example

in this essay you have demonstrated a general understanding of intervention for each risk factor

Ethical considerations (30%)

A brief discussion of research ethics is provided.

A demonstration of a general understanding of research ethics is evident. For example

You have made no attempt to suggest how these are considered within research practices

Professional written communication and accurate referencing style (10%)

Little supporting literature. Lack of reference list. Lack of background reading, some inappropriate sources used.

Harvard referencing style used but with major errors. Academic writing is poor with little structure at some points the essay may be hard to follow.

Marking Feedback 32,35,38


A limited background to introduce some key concepts on the topic.

Brief discussion provided regarding the justification of research on the topic

Literature Review (45%)

Limited demonstration of ability to appraise current related work.

Limited evidence of engagement with relevant literature.

in this essay you have provided no/irrelevant intervention for each risk factor

Ethical consideration (30%)

No awareness/no ethical considerations are demonstrated

Professional written communication and accurate referencing style (10%)

Little /no referencing. Lack of/or incomplete reference list. Lack of background reading, inappropriate sources used. Harvard referencing style not used. Academic writing is poor with little or no structure at times the essay may be hard to follow.

In future

Video link that explains the task:

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