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Directions: Read the article “Why Students Can’t Google Their Way to the Truth”

Directions: Read the article “Why Students Can’t Google Their Way to the Truth” (Wineburg & McGrew, 2016). Answer the following questions. https://www.edweek.org/ew/articles/2016/11/02/why-students-cant-google-their-way-to.html 1. The authors of the article – Sam Wineburg and Sarah McGrew – conducted a study at Stanford University. What was the purpose of the Stanford study? 2. How did the undergraduates do in judging the online material from the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American College of Pediatricians? What reasons do the authors give for why they performed this way? 3. The study also had professional fact checkers attempt the task. How did they do, compared to the students? What did they do differently? 4. How did the researchers respond to the study results and why?

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Read the article “Why Students Can’t Google Their Way to the Truth” appeared first on Course Hero.

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