Assignment Task
1. Please use the provided GPS sekolah Selangor.xls and selangor.shp files.
2. Write a detailed report on how to:
(a) Import the Shapefile data (selangor.shp) into the PostgreSQL database.
(b) Connect to and view the populated database using QGIS.
(c) Perform a spatial query (select by location) using SQL, and then compare the results with a similar function within QGIS.
(d) Explore other PostGIS functions similar to the “select by location” spatial query, such as STWITHIN, STINTERSECTS and STCONTAINS.
(e) Identify schools that are not mapped correctly (i.e., outside the state boundary) from the database.
(f) Output the results for item 2(e) to a new spatial table and GeoJSON file. Verify these outputs using QGIS software.