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OVERVIEW This capstone project requires you to summarize, synthesize, and build

This capstone project requires you to
summarize, synthesize, and build upon course work in your undergraduate major
area, resulting in a substantial research project. The entire course is designed as a
step-by-step process in the formulation of a two-part capstone project
consisting of an academic research paper and oral presentation. By completing
this project, you will demonstrate your achievement of the learning outcomes
associated with the Bachelor of Arts degree.
Each module
outlined in the course is designed to help you develop the sections of your
capstone project.
Module 1 requires you to identify a
main topic. The academic
research paper must be on a topic you have chosen to explore within your major
area of study. In this module, you will identify and introduce the
topic, providing reasons for this selection and its relevance to your life. You
will also draft a problem statement, preliminary thesis statement, or opening
hypothesis to research within the context of your topic.
Module 2 requires you to create an
outline of your planned approach to help you think through how you will pursue
your capstone project. This outline will not be included in the final capstone
project. However, a second part to this assignment includes a narrative section
surveying your research strategies, which will be included in the final
compilation of your capstone project.
Module 3 is a review of the
literature, strategically placed here in the course to allow you more time to
do the necessary research. Your literature review is expected to cite at least
10 strong academic sources. However, you are expected to have at least 15
sources referenced in your final deliverable. The literature review seeks to
contextualize your topic in the relevant literature and demonstrate the breadth
of your own knowledge.
Module 4 is the last section of your
final written project, comprised of your discussions and conclusions. This is
where you will analyze and interpret the arguments you have found in the
literature and evaluate the significant theories and concepts related to your
topic. This is the culmination of your research and requires you to show what
you have learned and how your own informed critical analysis sheds light on the
topic you have been studying.
Module 5 focuses on the oral
presentation in which you will create, upload, and post an 8- to 10-minute
video to share with classmates through a discussion forum. You will also submit
this oral presentation for a grade by the end of the course. All requirements
for this oral presentation portion of the capstone project are outlined below.
Module 6 is the conclusion of the
course. You will compile and submit your final written academic research paper
in standard academic format. All requirements for this written portion of the
capstone project are outlined below.
Academic Research Paper
The body of the paper should be 25-40 double-spaced
pages, not including title page, abstract, table of contents, annotated
bibliography, list of tables, or appendices. Your final submission must include
the following:

Title Page


Table of Contents

List of Tables and Figures (if applicable)


Research Strategies

A Review of the Literature

Discussions and Conclusions

Annotated Bibliography (All sources referenced in the paper should
be listed and annotated in the bibliography.)

Appendices (if applicable)
Note: Be sure to follow the
appropriate format related to your discipline, either APA (American
Psychological Association) or MLA (Modern Language Association) format.

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