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Pixel Art MakerPiPixel Art Makerl Art MakerHow will this

Pixel Art Maker
PiPixel Art Maker
l Art Maker
How will this project be evaluated?
Your project will be evaluated by a Udacity code reviewer according to the Pixel Art Maker project rubric. Be sure to review it thoroughly before you submit. All criteria must -meet specifications- in order to pass.
Submission Instructions
Before submitting, make sure your code follows our style guidelines:
• CSS Style Guide
• HTML Style Guide
• JavaScript Style Guide
• Git Style Guide
Create a new repository on GitHub and push your code up to it, making sure to push your master branch. Then, connect your GitHub account and select your Pixel Art Maker project’s repository.
Pixel Art Maker
The user can create a canvas of any (reasonable) size. Entering whole numbers in the -Height- and -Width- fields, and submitting the form, causes an empty grid to appear on the page.
The user can color the pixels in the grid. Choosing a color from the color selector and clicking on a grid square causes that grid square (and only that square) to change color.
Event listeners are properly added to the grid squares (and not to the border or the table itself).
The user can reset the grid to a blank state. If there are already colored squares in the grid, clicking the Submit button clears them out.
Code quality
The script.js JavaScript code works with the provided HTML and CSS files. The script.js file is properly linked to the HTML file, and loading the HTML file shows the correct functionality for the application.
Note: You do not need to edit the HTML and CSS files to make your project work. You can if you want to.
Code is neatly formatted and commented. Code is correctly indented, uses descriptive variable names for long-lived variables, and has descriptive comments.
Code runs without errors in the JavaScript console. Open the Developer Tools console tab, then create a grid and color some squares in it. You shouldn’t see any error messages.
Pixel Art Maker project
Pixel Art Maker
The user can create a canvas of any (reasonable) size. Entering whole numbers in the -Height- and -Width- fields, and submitting the form, causes an empty grid to appear on the page.
The user can color the pixels in the grid. Choosing a color from the color selector and clicking on a grid square causes that grid square (and only that square) to change color.
Event listeners are properly added to the grid squares (and not to the border or the table itself).
The user can reset the grid to a blank state. If there are already colored squares in the grid, clicking the Submit button clears them out.
Code quality
The script.js JavaScript code works with the provided HTML and CSS files. The script.js file is properly linked to the HTML file, and loading the HTML file shows the correct functionality for the application.
Note: You do not need to edit the HTML and CSS files to make your project work. You can if you want to.
Code is neatly formatted and commented. Code is correctly indented, uses descriptive variable names for long-lived variables, and has descriptive comments.
Code runs without errors in the JavaScript console. Open the Developer Tools console tab, then create a grid and color some squares in it. You shouldn’t see any error messages.

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