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The Agency can be Aids Alabama, Jefferson County Alabama DHR child abuse and neg

The Agency can be Aids Alabama, Jefferson County Alabama DHR child abuse and neglect department, or Pathways home women’s shelter in Birmingham AL
Based upon class discussions, assigned readings and reputable resources, agency information you will be developing a program evaluation plan based upon your work in your field placement setting. Your plan can be a formative or process evaluation, or combination of formative and process evaluation. Note: You will not be collecting actual data from your field setting. Your work should reflect a basic understanding of (1) selecting questions for research purposes, (2) making sure your measurements are clearly linked to your research question (3) approaches used to collect data (4) the challenges in data collection and (5) the importance of disseminating the results of assessments. This assignment is worth 100 points.
NOTE: YOUR RESEARCH QUESTION MUST ASSESS AN ASPECT OF CLIENT/PARTICIPANT SASTISFACTION AT AN AGENCY-BASED UPON FIELD EXPERIENCE. If you have not yet been enrolled in field, please base your assessment on a previous work environment. If you are in a field other than social work, please contact me regarding an appropriate research question
Use this entire rubric for your Evaluation Plan Design—including charts. Please type your responses directly into the rubric below.
The paper should include the following sections:
I: Name and Mission of your agency
II: Identify and discuss the program you are working with at your agency
III: Goals of the program you are working with at your agency
agency. Note: The question should reflect an assessment of the program overall and not an
individual. Your research question should reflect upon some aspect of client satisfaction.
Section I-IV is worth 30 points
V: Background Information on your Program Evaluation Plan: See below A-C
(15 points)
Background Information on your Program Evaluation Plan
A. What are the goals of the program evaluation? What are the performance issues driving the evaluation?
B. Who are the critical partners, sponsors, and other stakeholders of the evaluation?
C. What are the desired results of the evaluation plan? What outputs or products are expected from the evaluation?
VI. Data Collection Form and Rationale (See form below)
(10 points)
In the column on the left, write down the questions you desire to answer through data collection. You should have at least 3 questions. The questions should focus on your overall research question. On the right, please explain how each of the questions will generate data
that will help you with your need assessment.
Evaluation Questions to be answered through Data Collection
Rationale for the Question (How will the question generate data relevant to
the goal of your evaluation plan?)
(a) How satisfied are clients with the wait time for services at the agency?
(a) This question helps us to determine if improvements are needed in the agency’s ability to service clients in a timely manner.
(15 points)
Please complete the table below, identifying your data collection approach. Use the 3 Program Evaluation questions that you have identified in the Worksheet above.
Program Evaluation
(3 questions)
Measures Data Source(s)
(what are you trying to measure)
Data Collection
(fromwhom/what will data be collected)
(how will you go collecting your information?)
(what tools will you use to obtain your information?)
VIII. Scheduling and Constraints-Section worth 15 points
A. SCHEDULE: (5 points)
Use this section of the worksheet to create a simple schedule for the data collection and interpretation for the program evaluation. Your outputs should reflect the data you collect from each of the 3 questions
Task Person(s)
Who is Responsible
What will be the Deliverables/Outputs
B. CONSTRAINTS: (10 points)
As an evaluator, what are the top three constraints (or challenges) you might expect as you attempt to carry out your evaluation plan/collecting data?
Constraint 1:
Constraint 2:
Constraint 3:
IX. As an Evaluator, discuss the following: (1) what you would do with the information that you collected from your program evaluation plan. (2) describe how it could be used (3) discuss who might benefit from the information in your evaluation design plan. (15 points)
5 points extra credit, clearly discuss the following: (4) How does evaluation link to (social work) policy and practice?

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