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Style and Iconography Communicate Meaning

Style And Iconography Communicate Meaning | Crucial Essay

Style and Iconography Communicate Meaning

Order ID# 45178248544XXTG457
Plagiarism Level: 0-0.5%
Writer Classification: PhD competent

Style: APA/MLA/Harvard/Chicago
Delivery: Minimum 3 Hours
Revision: Permitted

Sources: 4-6
Course Level: Masters/University College
Guarantee Status: 96-99%


Style and Iconography Communicate Meaning
Like all of the assignments in this course, this one requires you to apply what you have learned in the textbook. In the essay assignment, you will use online resources to explore ideas discussed in the textbook. Be sure to use as many relevant terms and concepts from this module’s list as possible. Your goal is to demonstrate mastery of the module content.

For this assignment, you will use the collection of Minneapolis Institute of Art and find four examples of printmaking, photography, film, and video to accompany the works in the textbook. That means that the prints, photographs, films, or videos you choose must extend—not repeat—the examples of the various types of prints, photography, film, and Video found in each section of Chapters 8, 9, and 10.
The images will be representational and naturalistic. You must have action and use the visual elements of implied space and the design principle of symmetrical or asymmetrical balance. They must also include at least two signs and symbols in each work (beyond the figures) to communicate the meaning. Be ready to explain all of this as well as how the works use medium and material.

Find the works in the Explore the Art search box of the Minneapolis Institute of Art collection at https://new.artsmia.org/art-artists/. Note the title and artist.
Save each work to your computer.
Paste your images into the spaces provided below. Resize, if necessary.
Compose your written answers using a university-level, professional writing style. Point to specific places in the work where your information is visible and explain what you see. This is the evidence for your answer.
Proofread for errors and to ensure completion.
Cite the works you consulted for this assignment.
Please check your work against the rubric for this assignment.
Submit by the deadline.

Your name: Style and Iconography Communicate Meaning
Your TA’s name:
Name of the Museum:


Insert print/photo/film/video #1. Identify the title and artist.

Explain how print/photo/film/video #1 uses implied space and symmetrical or asymmetrical balance. Then explain which section of the chapter this work would accompany. (100 words)

Explain the meaning of print/photo/film/video #1. Explain the story represented and identify the signs and symbols and how the style and iconography communicate meaning. (50 words)

Insert print/photo/film/video #2. Identify the title and artist.

Explain how print/photo/film/video #2 uses implied space and symmetrical or asymmetrical balance. Then explain which section of the chapter this work would accompany. (100 words)

Explain the meaning of print/photo/film/video #2. Explain the story represented and identify the signs and symbols and how the style and iconography communicate meaning. (50 words)

Insert print/photo/film/video #3. Identify the title and artist.

Explain how print/photo/film/video #3 uses implied space and symmetrical or asymmetrical balance. Then explain which section of the chapter this work would accompany. (100 words)

Explain the meaning of print/photo/film/video #3. Explain the story represented and identify the signs and symbols and how the style and iconography communicate meaning. (50 words)

Insert print/photo/film/video #4. Identify the title and artist.

Explain how print/photo/film/video #4 uses implied space and symmetrical or asymmetrical balance. Then explain which section of the chapter this work would accompany. (100 words)

Explain the meaning of print/photo/film/video #4. Explain the story represented and identify the signs and symbols and how the style and iconography communicate meaning. (50 words)

Works Consulted—Remember, do not copy and paste and do not quote directly. All information presented here must be your writing. Cite the sources (websites, articles, books, etc.) you consulted here.

Style and Iconography Communicate Meaning


Excellent Quality
45-41 points
The background and significance of the problem and a clear statement of the research purpose is provided. The search history is mentioned.
Literature Support
91-84  points
The background and significance of the problem and a clear statement of the research purpose is provided. The search history is mentioned.
58-53 points
Content is well-organized with headings for each slide and bulleted lists to group related material as needed. Use of font, color, graphics, effects, etc. to enhance readability and presentation content is excellent. Length requirements of 10 slides/pages or less is met.

Average Score
40-38 points
More depth/detail for the background and significance is needed, or the research detail is not clear. No search history information is provided.
83-76  points
Review of relevant theoretical literature is evident, but there is little integration of studies into concepts related to problem. Review is partially focused and organized. Supporting and opposing research are included. Summary of information presented is included. Conclusion may not contain a biblical integration.
52-49  points
Content is somewhat organized, but no structure is apparent. The use of font, color, graphics, effects, etc. is occasionally detracting to the presentation content. Length requirements may not be met.

Poor Quality
37-1 points
The background and/or significance are missing. No search history information is provided.
75-1 points
Review of relevant theoretical literature is evident, but there is no integration of studies into concepts related to problem. Review is partially focused and organized. Supporting and opposing research are not included in the summary of information presented. Conclusion does not contain a biblical integration.
48-1 points
There is no clear or logical organizational structure. No logical sequence is apparent. The use of font, color, graphics, effects etc. is often detracting to the presentation content. Length requirements may not be met

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Style and Iconography Communicate Meaning

Style and Iconography Communicate Meaning


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